Chapter 14: Neil

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After a series of heated texts between us throughout the day she told us to come over. I knock on the door and the door swings open she's standing there in a nightie. It's just enough to cover her ass and we both step inside and I kick the door shut. Heath starts walking toward her and a blush covers her face as he gets closer until their lips meet.

"Come here." He orders and she moans wrapping her legs around him. He puts her on the back of her couch and pulls away facing me.

"You still want us to put on a show for you?" I ask keeping eye contact with her.

"Yes." She answers her voice is soft, and I walk up to him.

"Are you sure about this?" I whisper.

"Just kiss me." He orders and I smirk I lean into kiss him. Unlike our fun back at home he lets me dominant the kiss. I pull off his shirt and he does the same to mine, I groan. Our lips meet once more and I focus on him as I kneel in front of him he groans as I unbuckle his jeans. I see Briar watching us circling her finger around her clit as she breathes hard. When I free his length seeing him hard for me, I wrap my fist around it.

"Neil..." He shudders he puts a hand in my hair.

"Fuck my mouth." I order I put the head of his cock into my mouth. His head rolls back as he pushes me down his length, I relax my throat feeling him touch the back of my throat.

We both look at Briar hearing a moan and I see her fucking herself with her fingers deep inside of her, her thrown back. She looks back at us and that's when Heath starts moving me up and down on his length. I relax into his hold feeling pleasure as he uses my mouth to find his.

"Fuck." He groans and I feel satisfaction as his voice rolls over me. I feel him twitch in my mouth making me groan as I light up for him.

He moves me fast on his length and I quickly feel a heat cover me as I feel him. His smooth hard thick cock makes it hard for me to breathe as he gets harder and I try my best to breathe around him. I watch as he watches me our eyes locking I moan feeling a bead of pleasure.

"Oh God." I watch as he shudders before he comes into my mouth. He pulls from me early leaving a trail of cum from my lips. He groans rubbing his thumb through it before putting it in my mouth, I moan at his taste. I look over hearing a cry watching as Briar comes apart on her fingers, and I stand. I kiss him and he moans into the kiss tasting himself on my tongue, I feel his lips against mine sending a heat through me.

"That was..." He trails off. We only made out at the house, I never touched him although I did let him touch me. I turn facing Briar as she walks up to us.

"Bedroom?" She asks, we both nod and she turns leading the way. When we get to her room I turn pinning Heath to the door, he swallows hard melting into my touch.

"You want to have fun Briar?" I ask her.

"Of course." She stands beside me smirking.

"You two are going to kill me." He mutters.

"Nope almost the opposite." Briar counters before I can.

I pull away from him letting him walk to the foot of the bed, I kiss him before pulling away letting Briar. She pulls away from him when he sits, I step forward once more.

"Turn over." I order.

"What are you going to do?" He asks and I step closer to Briar.

"Lay on the bed." I whisper. She blushes but does what I ask laying on the bed behind him.

"Taste her." I order. He immediately turns around kissing her, I watch as he gets her to moan as she lights up for him. I watch as he starts flicking her clit making her gasp as he kisses her neck and chest before going lower. When she spreads her legs and he lays down between her legs I kiss his neck.

"What are you doing?" He whispers.

"Take care of her." I order. "You'll like it I promise." I sneer and he groans and I watch as he licks up her slit. She closes her thighs around his head moaning, before crying out as I hear him groan at her taste.

I start grinding against him my cock feeling like I might bust through my jeans. I start kissing his neck and back lower and lower over his lower back. I put my hands on his waistband to pull down his pants and he groans. I pull them down slowly looking at his plump round ass on display for me and I groan.

"So beautiful." I speak and he groans once more responding to me as he gives her bliss.

I start kissing his thighs feeling him tense under my lips as I move higher. I part his cheeks seeing him on display for me before I lick over him. He groans this time it wavers like he either really liked it or didn't like it. I revel in the taste left on my tongue loving that it came from him.

"Do it again." He groans nearly breathless. I do it again and start kissing, licking and sucking him. "Oh fuck!" He groans.

"I don't hear her." I pull away and I watch her legs bent, she starts moaning arching her back. The looks of her tits like that makes me feel so fucking hard. I focus on him bringing him to the edge as I taste him, I revel in the noises they make as they reach their high.

"Heath." I hear Briar's voice before they both groan going over the edge.  

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