Chapter 13: Briar

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Heath moves around the counter fast wrapping a hand around my throat, I feel his breath hot against my neck. It makes me still making me go wet responding to him and I bite my lip to stop my moan.

"Are you going to talk to me?" He asks.

"Why didn't you do this back when we were in high school?" I mutter making him laugh darkly. "I'll tell you it takes a lot to make me talk." I smirk.

"She just said maybe I should've found someone better to look at." Neil speaks.

"Hey!" I yell making Neil laugh. "You're not helping." I whisper.

"Then tell me what you really said, Briar." Heath says my name.

"Okay, I'm only answering because apparently the person that started it is to much of a pussy to help me. I said, I don't blame him for looking at you in your swimsuit." I answer and he steps away.

"Pussy huh?" Neil murmurs.

"You earned it." I grab my glass of water grabbing a sip.

"We'll see, baby." He whispers catching my attention. We all have got comfy fast and we still haven't talked about what this is.

"What do you guys want from me?" I ask and they both freeze.

"Are you planning on leaving?" Heath asks.

"I was." I answer honestly.

"Do you want to maybe see where this could go?" Neil asks.

"Maybe." I can't help but think about it. "Would you take some time and travel?" I ask both of them.

"With you?" Heath asks.

"Yes." I feel myself blush.

"Yes." They both answer at the same time.

"How about we just take some time and figure out what we are?" Neil suggests.

"Okay." I nod.

Heath fixes us some salad and I play catch up with them a bit. I ask about their lives and what they have been up to. I tell a bit more about my life and I help Neil wash the dishes.

"We have the rest of the day off." Heath walks up behind me putting his hands around my waist.

"I have to go home." I whisper as he kisses my neck. I grab the towel drying my hands off and when I turn he kisses me.

"I picked up your car, it's outside." He informs me as he pulls away.

"You better fucking call me." Neil groans walking up to me. He kisses me pulling me into him making me moan.

"I will." I agree.

As I drive home I think about my night with them and everything they did to make me comfortable. I honestly don't regret it, I don't regret any of it. I think about what Neil told me and Heath and that kiss between the two of them. If there's one thing that gets around this town it's gossip. What will people think about us? Am I willing to put my heart on the line again?

I may not have anything Heath now but he still hurt me. Or at the very least let me think he hurt me. I don't know if I can take that again, when I left here I moved into an apartment and holed up for a week. I think it maybe time to put myself back out there, all I remember last night was the chemistry between all of us. We were all into it and we all had that spark, now Heath and Neil might feel that for each other.

As I walk into my house, all I can picture is how the two of them might look together. I picture them kissing and having sex, it makes me shiver as I turn locking kicking my shoes off and sitting down on the couch. I send a quick text to them telling them I made it home as I turn on the tv. I quickly get buried into my show, or at least the show I've watched about five times so I know every episode as I think of them.  

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