Chapter 19: Briar

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I walk into work and I can think about is seeing Heath and Neil again. I feel the day go buy in a blur as I take orders, they even let me start cleaning a bit. Dalton told me if I ever had a day off and they needed a cleaner they would call me if I wanted to start helping out. Of course, I told him sure I want to help out wherever I can and the money is a plus.

"How do you like it so far?" Jody and I have been talking a bit.

"I like it here but I am just kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop." I tell her.

"What do you mean?" She asks. I give her another glass to dry as we both get ready to close up.

"Back when I lived here everything went around like water. If you told one person your business-"

"Everybody knew your business." She finishes my sentence. "Well, I came from a place like that, I never really thought of this place like that. I've never really had that experience here." She speaks.

"Yeah, I hope this place has changed." I tell her.

"Are you two okay, to close?" Dalton asks, me and her both nod in his direction.

"Are you leaving?" She counters.

"Yeah, I thought about heading out." I see him grab his keys.

"Okay, I can lock the door behind you." She follows him and I keep cleaning the last of the dishes. I hear the shut and the lock clicks loudly before she comes back. We clean up fast. "God, I want to go home." She sighs and I scoff.

"Tell me about it." I sigh. We both clean up and we finally get ready to leave. We head out the back and I get in my car making sure she gets in hers okay before I drive off.

When I get home, I lock the door behind me and I go to my kitchen getting some wine before I go sit down on my couch. I kick off my shoes and turn on the tv finding my show, I quickly get engrossed in it. I haven't heard from the guys today, after our time in bed I haven't heard from them today. I got lunch with Neil yesterday, I have been seeing Heath too. We have texted everyday we haven't had sex together in a week. I hear my phone ring interrupting my thoughts.

"Hey." I greet seeing Heath's number.

"Listen baby, I want to see you." He blurts making me laugh.

"I do too." I hear Neil's voice too.

"I want to see you too." I sigh. "You can come over, I'm home just unpacking." I tell him.

"Do you want us to bring food?" Neil asks.

"If you think I am going to turn down food you don't know me well enough." I blurt making them both laugh.

I get in a groove after the phone call folding up clothes, listening to my show. I walk back and forth until one box is empty and I move on to the other. I find some dishes and some boudoir pictures of me. Look I lived alone that meant I could have what I wanted on my walls. I liked the way a boudoir shoot could make me feel. As I start looking over the pictures I hear a knock on the door and I go over opening it. They both step inside kissing me on the lips lightly, I close the door locking it behind them.

"How was your week?" I ask both of them.

"Rough." They both answer at the same time.

"Yours?" Neil turns to me.

"Okay." I answer honestly. I see Neil's eye catch on the box and he's standing beside it. He lifts one out of the box as Heath puts the food on the counter.

"These are of you." He nods toward me.

"They are." I answer him even though he knows. The one that he was holding is the one top, the one with me in a robe my hair mused facing the camera looking out of a window to my side. "All of them are pictures of me." I tell him and he looks down in the box. Heath steps up to his side, they each start looking at them, the best ones of me are with me on the bed or on my knees.

"How did you get these taken?" Heath asks.

"It's called a boudoir shoot. I got them all over when I found a photographer I could trust." I tell them. I start getting out the food as they look at them, they eventually walk over.

"You're fucking beautiful." Heath whispers.  

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