Chapter 12: Briar

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I want his mouth on my wet heat more than anything as I start gasping. He groans against me and I feel him flick my clit with his finger, I moan putting my hand in his hair. I feel him lick up my slit and I look up seeing Heath standing behind him before I feel his mouth on me. He groans the feeling going right through me as he taste me. He doesn't let up for a second and I look down making eye contact with him as he sucks my clit between his teeth making me see stars.

"Neil!" I scream his name and his eyes shimmer as he groans against my center. He doesn't let up moving his tongue against me knowing exactly where and how to touch me. He groans urging me on as he pushes me closer to satisfaction.

"So fucking sweet." He mutters meeting my gaze. My breathing is hard and I feel everything like I'm sitting right on the edge ready to go off for him but I can't. I need more I need to feel more I need-

"Neil!" I scream feeling him suck on my clit before his tongue pressed against it.

"That's it, baby." He urges, I look up drowning in Heath's eyes as I feel of Neil's hair between my fingers grounding me as I feel my high. Neil stands up in front of me, and I walk out, he gives me a towel.

When I walk out of the shower, I feel my eyes start to drift close and I lie between them. I feel the cover on top of me and Heath pulls me into his arms, I hold Neil's hand as I drift off to sleep.

I awake to an empty bed and I turn over seeing a folded-up piece of paper on the nightstand. I sit up rubbing my eyes as I open it. It reads "Had to go to work, make yourself at home. -N+H" I also see their phone numbers at the bottom. I put in Heath and Neil's and make a group chat before texting them.

Just letting you know I got the note. - B

I'm actually on my way to you. We both are. How are you just now awake? - H

I look at the time seeing it's lunch time before I text back.

Long story, I ran into my ex-boyfriend and his hot best friend things got a little heated. - B

I smile at my joke as I stand up going to the bathroom to freshen up. I brush my hair with the brush I found in the drawer with the toothbrush, they were both new. I use the perfume I keep in the bag before I put on my clothes from yesterday. When I walk out I feel a hand on my shoulder before lips meet mine, I know it's Heath. When he pulls away he starts walking, I follow him seeing Neil in the kitchen.

"This place is nice." I comment sitting across from Neil.

"I need to talk to both of you." Neil blurts turning around. "So, after I say this I might lose both of you." He whispers.

"Why?" I ask he puts a glass of water in front of me and I start drinking it.

"Just you might." He mutters he looks at me nervously before he looks at Heath. "I'm bisexual." He blurts and I look over at Heath. I knew, I always knew. I saw him checking out boys as we sat in the back of his truck after school.

"I know." Surprisingly me and Heath both say it at the same time. I look over as Neil walks over to Heath, he looks down at his lips before they lock eyes. A heat sparks between them I can see it in their eyes.

"Neil." Heath whispers it.

"Are you going to stop me?" Neil asks as he starts leaning in.

"No." Heath answers just as their lips meet. I look away wanting them to have their own moment, I hear them groan before they both pull apart.

"I can leave." I whisper standing.

"Please don't." Neil whispers catching my attention.

"Look, I knew you were bisexual but I didn't know..." Heath trails off.

"Do you want me to-" Neil starts and Heath shakes his head.

"No, that look you just gave me. It made me feel all the right things." Heath whispers. Heath looks at Neil's lips and he steps forward first and this time I watch as they kiss. It's anything but soft, it's all heated nothing but dominance reeks from them as they fight for it. They both groan pulling away sharing a heated glance before walking away from each other. Neil walks to me and Heath walks to the counter. "Usual?" Heath asks.

"I guess." Neil smiles. "How did you know?" He turns to me first.

"Do you want the honest answer?" I mutter.

"Briar." He says my name making me smile and I see Heath smirking.

"When you would watch the football players leave practice." I speak meeting his gaze.

"Okay I'll give you that." He whispers.

"When you would watch me a little too closely at pool parties." Heath answers before Neil can ask and I find myself smirking.

"I don't blame you for that." I whisper only low enough for Neil to hear and he smiles.

"What?" Heath asks.

"Nothing." Me and Neil both say it at the same time.  

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