Chapter 9: Heath

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Watching him with her doesn't make me jealous, or left out, or even the slightest mad. It makes me heated, it makes me feel full of pleasure, I spread my legs when she looks over at me her cheeks flushed. I give her a tease of me and Neil smirks putting his hand on her chin making her watch me. He whispers something in her ear making her shiver before he meets my gaze.

"Give her a show." He orders and I smirk. I move my hand to my thigh and her eyes lock on it before she starts writhing beneath him.

"I need-" He stops her kissing her neck lifting her thigh moving just slightly inside of her to make her stop.

"You need what I give you." He speaks I move my hand to my waistband I push it down just enough to wrap my hand around my cock pulling it out for her to see. "Let us take care of you. Watch him while I watch you." He whispers.

I groan rubbing my thumb over the tip, she moans as he kisses her before he starts moving once more. I start moving my hand in time with him and he kisses her cheek. She looks at me her eyes full of heat as he moves in and out of her, her hands move over him feeling every bit of him. I squeeze my length shivering feeling a rush of pleasure run through me as I see stars a heat surrounding me.

"Neil." She closes her eyes biting her lip, he turns her head kissing her. He puts his hand back on her chin turning her gaze back to me. "Oh my God." She cries making us both smirk. Our gazes lock and a look of understanding is passed between us.

"You want to see him come apart, Briar?" He speaks and she moans looking at me nodding her head. I move my fist fast pushing myself over the edge as I move my thumb over the tip. "Come for us." He orders wrapping his hand around her throat moving hard inside of her.

"Fuck!" She screams going over the edge screaming our names. Her voice is dripping with sex as I watch him rolling his hips and head rolls back as he comes.

I feel myself come down and I stand up as he pulls out of her rolling over, I walk right up to her and put my finger on her chest between her breasts. She looks into my eyes as I move my finger trailing down her lightly making her shiver. She leans up facing me letting me stand between her legs. Her lips touch my waist and I groan putting a hand in her hair before bending taking her lips in a kiss.

"You're beautiful." I kiss her neck I feel her wrap her legs around me as I move up higher on the bed. I get to feel every inch of her now, I move my hand over her breasts flicking her nipples.

She gasps and moans writhing for me, I see her breathing hard as she thrusts her chest out. I start kissing her all over, her neck, chest, stomach, before feeling her put her hand in my hair pulling me back up to her. My lips meet hers in a tender kiss that is so sweet it makes me groan for her. I angle my cock at her entrance and she pulls away gasping looking down at my lips.

"Fucking beautiful." I groan thrusting hard inside of her. She gasps and I feel the heat envelope us as I feel of her wetness coating me clenching around me. "Such a good girl." I start moving in and out of her seeing Neil sitting in the chair I was just in.

"Heath..." She swallows and I smirk. I start moving in and out her hard and fast feeling her clench around me each time. Our moans mingle together in the air and I hear our skin start to slap as I chase our high.

Her breathing gets labored and I kiss her feeling her soft lips against mine, I move my hand flicking her clit making her gasp. I groan feeling her clench I put my hand on her thigh pushing it up higher plunging deeper inside of her.

"Fuck!" She cries, I groan thrusting harder each time. I see her pleasure in her eyes like a flame that's taking her. I chase that feeling, I put my hand on her chest when she arches her back putting my lips on her ribs before digging my teeth into her skin lightly there. "Heath..." She trails off clenching and shivering.

I groan loving the way she responds to me, the way she feels after all these years. She puts her hands in my hair and I kiss her, I flick her clit making her go over the edge with a cry. The sounds of her moaning and when she pulls away she whispers my name making me follow her. I roll my hips drawing out our pleasure before pulling out of her laying beside her, I move to get dressed and she puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't leave." She whispers, I see her look over at Neil. "You either." She gasps and Neil moves laying down on her other side.

"Do you want us to stay here?" I ask.

"Yes." She whispers.

"I'll go make sure everything is locked." Neil speaks and I nod, he kisses her on the lips before walking out of the room.  

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