Chapter 29: Briar

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The next week is a blur and I don't hear from the guys much. My parents' divorce has been making me run all over the place. Mom keeps forgetting things and I have to be the one to go collect it from my father. Heath texts me and tells me to come over after work. I just want some alone time with them, yes, they have taken me out on dates sure, but I just need them right now. They took me out during the beginning and I hate that things are starting to get hairy now.

When I get to their house I barely get to knock before the door is opened and Heath's pull me against him. His lips are sealed against mine and I moan at the feeling I haven't felt in so long. The door clicks and he pins me against it groaning as he moves his hand down my side. He pulls my thigh up before he pulls away abruptly just as we started getting lost in each other.

"Hey." I catch a hint of a smirk.

"Hey." I gasp fixing myself then I see Neil walk in the foyer, he kisses me. He deepens in with a tug of my hair before I feel him pull me against him making me feel him.

"It's been too long since I've been able to do that." He whispers against my lips.

"I know." It sounds like a moan as I say it. They both pull away before they lead me inside to the living room and I sit between them. My phone rings and I see dad's name. "Give me a minute." I roll my eyes.

"Hey, Briar, I need you to-"

"Listen, you don't need me to do anything." I blurt and I hear him scoff. "No, I am not taking sides, okay? You two are grown ass adults do your own damn chores. If I was anywhere else, lived anywhere else you would be doing this yourself." I hit the hang up button before I hear the usual guilt tripping.

"It's been rough, hasn't it?" Heath whispers and I nod.

"Yes." I answer. "I just needed to see both of you." I look over at them.

"How do you feel?" Neil asks.

"Better that I'm here." I answer honestly. I rest my head on Heath's chest and I feel Neil's hand on my thigh. Around them I feel like I'm throbbing for them, I always have felt that way, I revel in it every time I'm near them.

"We've missed you." Heath whispers.

"I've missed you too." I close my eyes feeling content for the first time in this last week. I feel Heath put his hand on my waist and Neil's hand move higher on my thigh. "I need you too." I whisper before I feel Heath's lips on mine and I straddle him.

I start grinding against him and we both make a whimpering noise into the kiss. I feel him cup me making me moan before I feel him unzip my pants before I feel him flick my clit. I deepen the kiss putting my hands in his hair, he runs his fingers through my folds making me pull away gasping.

"Oh god." I moan in a cry.

"You're soaked." He shoves my shirt up and I let it fall, showing my red lace bra. They both groan and Heath starts kissing me all over. "I've missed you, baby. I've missed being able to touch you like this." He thrusts two fingers into me and I moan before he puts his lips against mine.

"Heath." I whimper and he groans.

"I'm going to enjoy this." He whispers his eyes burning into mine before I feel his lips on mine. This coursing sensation flowing through is so powerful it makes my chest feel like it's glowing.

At this moment it feels like two pieces are being seared together, being joined together in this moment. I look over and I kiss Neil as he leans forward, Neil moves me onto his lap next. He puts his hand in my hair groaning and I feel the same thing with him, my lips tingle at the feel of his against mine.

His lips are rougher against mine and I feel him put his hand on my thighs before one hand moves to my breast. He stands and Heath follows him, I watch walls past, no pictures of them, we walk past a bathroom before an office. Then we are in a bedroom, from the looks of it, it's one of theirs.

"You're ours Briar." Neil speaks against my neck before he starts kissing me. His touch makes me shiver with the pent-up sensation flowing through me. He puts me down at the foot of the bed and both of them watch me closely.

"I'm yours." I whisper then I feel them everywhere, kissing me and touching me.  

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