Chapter 42: Briar

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We just showed up in New Orleans. We left three months after I accepted the ring, just wanted to leave at the right time. I pull up at the hangout and we all get out of the car. It's the middle of Mardi Gras so witches are out everywhere, I walk up to a store I know very well.

"Do you know where we are?" Neil asks.

"I do." I answer. I open the door and I see Kaia at the counter. She's wearing her usual rings and necklaces, curly hair and t-shirt and cardigan. "Hi I need to know where I can find a decent hotel?" I quip loudly walking inside and she meets my eyes.

"And that's exactly what you said seven years ago." She jumps over the counter before she runs up to me. I wrap my arms around her and for once I feel like I'm home. "Mom has been wondering about you lately." She whispers.

"Where is she?" I ask.

"The batty old witch is right here!" I hear a voice and she walks out from behind the curtain. "Or that's what a local just called me five minutes ago." She rolls her eyes before she walks up to me.

"Hey." I say as she hugs me.

"How have you been darling?" She asks.

"Great." I answer honestly and I see them look at the guys behind me. "Neil and Heath. My husbands." I introduce them.

"Husbands. Well, you both will fit in quite well here." Lorette looks at them. I look back seeing them arch a brow. "You haven't told them." Loretta puts two and two together.

"Told us what?" Heath speaks up.

"Told them that I have two husbands." Loretta speaks. "Rules don't apply here fellas." She turns back to the counter.

"Come on." Kaia speaks taking my hand. "We need to talk." She whispers, she pulls me out of the door and the guys follow us.

"How have you been?" I ask her.

"Mom has been asking about you for a reason." She blurts before I see her start going up some stairs to her apartment. They own the building they occasionally rent out the extra apartment because her mom lives in a house.

"Why?" I ask, and she pulls out a keychain.

"I was wondering where that was when I left." It was mine, I bought it after I left home.

"We just cleaned out your apartment last week mom read it." She speaks and I nod. She opens her door before grabbing a key giving it to me.

"You serious?" I ask.

"You lived in it seven years ago." She shakes her head.

"I was serious you know." I step closer to the door. She puts her hand on my arm and I see her eyes closed, Neil arches a brow. "She's reading me." I whisper. "Am I dying or something?" I open the door.

"No." She speaks. "You're pregnant." She blurts.

"No, I'm not." I shrug walking inside and the guys have their gazes locked on me.

"When have I ever been wrong?" She asks me. "My mom can be wrong but me?" She holds her arms out.

She has never been wrong; I have never been into this whole psychic stuff but I've even seen things here that make me question.

When I was here, she was never wrong, and hell we made bets she was still never wrong. She gives me back the keychain I left and I look down at it, the quote written in black on it. It was a stupid impulse buy something to remember Heath and Neil by, I needed something to cling to. I clung to what was written on this stupid keychain. Neil was by best friend when I left and Heath and I just unhappened.

"You have never been wrong." I whisper looking down at it. She turns facing them.

"Most of the psychics are for show, my family isn't. Believe what you will." She turns to Heath. "I'm glad you have been with her, I'm glad someone has finally let her be free." She turns to me.

"Glad you're not being protective sister right now." I quip.

"Relax your minds." She talks to them before grabbing their hands, she closes her eyes and I cross my arms. When she opens them, they both gasp before looking at me.

"What did you show them?" I ask.

"This." She puts her hands on my head. I see it all, I hear a heartbeat before I see me holding a baby, I look so happy. Before she shows me a vision with me holding the keychain and my purple hair.

"You showed them the keychain." I whisper.

"I showed them the keychain and your purple hair." She quips making me smirk.

"How did you?" Neil asks.

"Told you, real deal. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't." She quips walking to the door.

When she closes the door Heath walks up to me grabbing the keychain. There it reads "I hope it wasn't forever, I hope it was only for a little while." It's about goodbye hoping the goodbye wasn't forever and when I saw that I clung onto it.

"It's about both of you." I read his mind and Neil walks up.

"Now we are forever." Heath whispers making me smile. They both kiss me.

"We are." I whisper.

"Pregnant huh?" Neil quips.

"Maybe." I quip. We said we would try when the time is right, maybe the right time is now. I would love a baby, they would make amazing fathers, and I know the baby would be loved.

"Do you want to stay here baby?" He asks wrapping his arm around my waist.

"For now." I answer.

"Good." He picks me up pinning against the wall. "I love you." He speaks before looking over at Heath.

"I love you." Me and Heath both speak at the same time before he kisses me. Heath steps up and starts kissing my neck.

They're right we are forever now. This spark will never fade away, I love them so much it hurts and I fucking love it. I am never leaving them I am so glad that first goodbye, was just for a little while. 

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