Chapter 41: Briar

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Having fun with them is so damn easy. Neil moves his hand from my hip to my front cupping me through my jeans. Heath smirks at me as Neil starts kissing my neck and my breathing quickens. I put my hand on his arm and I feel him smirking against my neck.

"We can get it out of you, you know we can." He whispers.

"Bondage, knives, overstimulation, that kind of thing." I blurt because I don't know how they will react and if they don't like that it will certainly kill the mood.

"Are you into that kind of thing?" Heath asks.

"Well, I haven't exactly experienced it." I whisper. I feel Neil step back and I keep my gaze on the floor before I feel Heath's hand touching me. He puts his hand on my chin making look up at him.

"I would never hurt you." He whispers.

"I know." I respond before he pulls away.

"Do you want too?" He asks and I look at Neil.

"You can't be serious." I blurt.

"Well, I would never take a knife to you but the things you listed can certainly be done." He smirks before stepping closer kissing me.

I feel Neil hands behind me he puts his hands on my thighs kissing my neck as Heath deepens the kiss. I feel my body light up for them and I put my hand in his hair as I lean back into Neil's touch. I feel Neil's hands squeeze my thighs and I moan then they both pull away.

"What?" I ask and Heath smirks before he nods at Neil. They both turn walking away leaving me in the kitchen but I see Heath stop right outside. They both step back toward me and I see Heath's hands behind his back and Neil's too.

"Briar we both love you. You complete us baby." Heath speaks first.

"You are the center of everything for us. We know we can't you to marry us." Neil finishes making me gasp and they both smirk. "So, we thought we could all wear rings, so..." They both kneel down in front of me.

"We want forever, Briar." They both say it at the same time, Heath opens the box and I see the diamond ring in front of me. I look at the both of them, I read that look in their eyes I have always loved.

"Yes." I nod and they both smile. Heath puts the ring on my finger and Neil kisses me.

Heath kisses me and he puts a hand in my hair then I feel Neil move behind me. I put my hand in Neil's hair behind me before Heath picks me up, I wrap my legs around him. I take off my shirt and I feel Neil behind me I watch them kiss, Heath bites Neil's lip and Neil groans pulling away. I feel Neil's hand move and he unzips my jeans before he flicks my clit.

"I love you." They both say in unison.

"I love you." I gasp before I feel them everywhere, their hands, lips, hearing them moan and groan. I love them and I always will.  

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