Chapter 8: Briar

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I look at his lips and he slowly leans in like Heath did, I put my hands in his hair as his lips meet mine. He puts a hand on my hip making me moan when he squeezes. I look down seeing a glass of water in his other hand he puts it on the dresser kicking the door shut behind him. I freeze feeling Heath's hand on my waist before I feel his lips on my neck.

"Do you want us baby?" He asks and look at Neil seeing his eyes zoned in on where Heath is touching me.

"I've never..." I whisper.

"You think we have?" Heath asks with a chuckle before I feel his hand in the waistband of my pants. "Birth control?" He asks and I nod.

"I can leave." Neil speaks.

"Don't." Heath orders. "She wants you too." He speaks making me shiver.

"I want you." I meet Neil's eyes. "Both of you." I finish. Heath's hand moves into my pants and he groans finding no panties before his hand slides lower.

I put my hand behind me on his thigh, as he runs his fingers through my folds, I feel a set of lips on mine and I moan. I put my hand in Neil's hair making him groan, Heath flicks my clit making me gasp. They both pull away from me I see Neil pull off his shirt and I look behind me seeing Heath not wearing one.

"Come here." Heath speaks and my feet leave the ground as my lips meet his. I moan wrapping my legs around him, and I feel my back meet the bed. "I've missed you. I want to see you under him, screaming his name, Briar." He whispers.

"Oh God." I moan feeling him grinding against me. He pulls away and I see Neil step up to me, I lean up and he smirks putting his hand on my chin.

"I don't go soft, Briar." He challenges.

"You think I like soft?" I question and he takes my lips in a searing kiss. He deepens the kiss when he pulls my hair, I moan putting my hand in his hair feeling my body tingle.

"Make her scream." Heath's voice washes over me as Neil kisses lower. He lifts my shirt up and my eyes drift close feeling a heat run through me making me tingle as he kisses lower. Neil's hands trace over my body before I feeling his fingertips in my waistband and I moan as he pulls down my shorts.

"Oh fuck." He whispers. "Such a fucking pretty pussy, Briar." He speaks and I feel him lick up my slit making me gasp gripping the sheets in fists. He groans and I look down see him smirking before he puts his mouth back on me.

I feel him licking and kissing me, his hands on my thighs making me keep my legs spread for him. I see stars as he sucks my clit between his teeth gently. I put my hands in his hair loving the way his soft hair feels between my fingers as I start rolling my hips against his face. I get lost in the heat I feel enveloping me in a heat that swallows me it's almost overwhelming.

"So fucking sweet." He groans against me making me moan. "That's it, baby." He urges me on as I roll my hips trying to gain friction. I feel him flick my clit making me go over the edge feeling the delicious release.

"Oh my God." I moan I feel him kissing me swallowing my juices as I roll my hips. His hands move up my body to my breasts I feel him squeeze making me moan seeing him over me his lips a breath away from mine. I kiss him tasting me on his tongue making me moan he groans and I reach down putting my hand in his pants and he groans his breath harsh against my neck as he thrusts into my hand.

"Fuck baby." He whispers. I feel him hard and throbbing in my hand as he kisses my neck.

I push down his pants before I meet his lips in another kiss that makes me arch my back into him. I feel him pull me into his arms I kiss chest before feeling gasp feeling my back meet the bed. He groans kissing my neck and I feel him flick my clit with his thumb. I feel Heath's gaze on me but that only lights me up me for Neil, he looks down into my eyes.

"Are you sure you want this?" He moves his thumb over my clit.

"Yes." I bite my lip. I feel the head of his cock at my entrance I relax as he kisses me. The feel of him thrusting into me feels me up inside making me feeling all lit up for him. I clench around him not being able to stop myself.

"Fuck." He groans, I feel his breath hot against my neck. The feel of him pulsing inside of me makes my breath quicken my breaths coming out in short gasps as he starts to move. He starts letting the both of us feel one another before he starts harder it makes me clench around him each time.

His lips meet mine and it's like a fight for dominance as I feel his rough lips against mine, I put my hands on his back feeling his skin under my hands. I moan feeling full, his thick cock hitting all the right places that make me come alive for him.

"Neil." I cry out feeling him flick my clit. He groans biting my lip as he pulls away before he puts his lips on my pulse. The feel of his skin against mine has made me feel full of pleasure the feeling of heat surrounding me drenching my skin.

"Such a good girl for me." He whispers making me shudder. He wraps his hand around my throat squeezing taking the air out of my lungs making me clench around him.

"Oh God!" I arch my back he lets his grip loosen and I breathe feeling the air in my lungs as he kisses my chest.

"Good girl." He coos.  

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