Chapter 30: Briar

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This feeling is something I have been needing, something I have been wanting to feel again for so long. Heath groans when Neil kisses him and when Heath sits on the bed Neil looks at me. I stand beside him and by the look in his eye I can see exactly what he wants to do. He looks down at me smirking before he kisses me right in front of Heath.

"What happened to us having fun?" Heath speaks and Neil smirks.

"I would rather have my fun with her on you." He speaks before he kisses me once more.

Then he turns to Heath kissing him and when he pulls away, I go in for a kiss before we kiss each other. I turn to Heath as he takes off his shirt and start kissing his jaw Neil does the same before, we start kissing his neck. I make a point to dig my teeth into his neck lightly and he groans.

"Please." He tries touching us but Neil is quick pinning him to the bed.

"Baby go grab a tie, top drawer." Neil orders. I go over to his dresser the slick brown soft under my fingers before I pull open the drawer, I see a black tie. I grab it before going back over to them. "Whatever we want we get, you ready to be used?" Neil rolls his hips against him and Heath's face turns a pink color.

"Yes." Heath answers. I thought I would never see that from him and it makes me feel all sorts of amazing. Neil ties his hands quickly before moving off him lying beside as I mirror him and I start kissing his chest. Neil mirrors what I'm doing before he puts his hand in my hair pulling his lips to mine.

We both hear Heath groan and he deepens the kiss I put my hand on Heath's chest before we both pull away. I unbuckle his pants and Neil pulls his pants away, and we both see him hard. He rolls his hips before we both hear him grunt, Neil and I both lean forward at one time licking up the length of him.

"Oh fuck." Heath groans.

"So hard for us." Neil whispers, and I see Heath shiver.

"What do you want me to do?" I ask him and he smirks.

"Straddle his face with your face near his cock." He orders and I move doing that. "No touching her." He orders Heath.

"Why put her like this if I can't touch her?" He whispers and I feel nervous sitting like this. Neil moves before I feel his hands on my hips.

"Neil." I say in warning but he only chuckles.

"You're going to watch me fuck her." I feel Neil's hand cup me. "You're going to watch me and you're not going to come." He speaks.

"Then why put her head near my dick?" Heath blurts and Neil thrusts two fingers inside of me. It makes me shiver and clench but I try to keep quiet.

"Either that or I straddle your chest baby." Neil speaks to Heath. He curls his fingers making me cry out, then I feel him rub over my clit. He draws his fingers out of me before I feel his hands return to my waist.

"You two are going to be the death of me." He barely gets it out before my body moves at the force of Neil's thrust. I feel Neil's hand on my front and he rubs two circles around my clit making me moan and I hear Heath groan under me. Neil unclips my bra and I let it fall before throwing it to the side.

Neil starts moving fast, making my breasts move with the force of him and every part of me invites the pleasure. I watch Heath before my eyes his dick hard and a pale red color, my eyes close and the feeling gets more intense. Neil groans and I feel his grip tighten even though it felt like he couldn't get harder before he slaps my ass.

"Neil." My eyes fall close and my jaw drops.

"That's a good girl." I clench around him and he groans. Heath's hands are near my breasts like this, he could touch me but it seems he's going to go by what Neil said. He's letting us tease him like this, and I feel his breath against us when Neil stops. "How does she look?" Neil asks, then we both groan feeling Heath's tongue, I feel him flick my clit and my arms shake.

"Gorgeous." Heath answers, and when I clench around Neil the feel of him staying still too intense, he starts moving once more.

I let the feeling cover me, washing over me the feel of him holding me and knowing the Heath is watching affects me. It affects me so deeply I feel like an open book with them, I look behind me seeing Neil watching where he's fucking me.

"Oh my God." His voice shakes and he looks up before his gaze turns to mine. I see him covered in sweat, the way he looks as he fucks me is entrancing. "Those eyes." He moans and I feel him twitch inside of me making me look away closing my eyes.

"Neil, fuck!" I clench the sheets in fists at my sides. I feel Heath's gaze on me there as I fall apart, Neil stills and Heath moves his tongue on us.

"Heath..." Neil's voice sounds like a moan before I gasp feeling him lick my clit.  

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