Chapter 35: Heath

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I wrap my arms around her pulling out of her then I feel her kiss my chest. I run my fingers through her hair feeling her pressed against me getting lost in thoughts of her. She rests against me her whole body relaxing into me.

"I never thought we would be this way again." I think out loud.

"I'm glad we are." She whispers. "I meant what I said, I believe you Heath. You never lied to me then you didn't lie to me now." I feel pride at that.

I loved her back then with everything I had, I didn't mean to hurt her. I never meant for me to hurt her, there was times when I would be caught in difficult situations. I always told her everything, I was just scared that final time, I have never been that scared. It was a video of us, it was personal, too personal. She accepted me back then for everything I was and never blinked an eye. It was me that let us break apart I'm never letting that happen again.

"I feel like we've lost so much time." I whisper.

"If we had stayed together back then would either of us have Neil the way we do now?" She looks at me.

"No." I answer.

"Would you want it that way compared to now?" She asks.

"No." I answer honestly and she smiles. "I like it with him baby. That day when you kissed him it just made me like it, made me want to see you with him." I tell her and she blushes.

"I like seeing you two together." She whispers.

"That feels good too." I chime and she laughs a bit. The door opens and Neil walks in, he smirks at the both of us before laying behind Briar. She turns to him and he kisses her, she moans, I look down seeing him holding her thigh. She moves it putting it around him and he groans biting her lip as he pulls away.

"I can't tell you how fucking attractive that scene at the pub was with you." He whispers and she smiles. When she pulls away lying on her back, he moves around her over to me, and he kisses me.

He puts his hand in my hair making me groan feeling the dominance reeking from him. I move my hand over his back making him groan as he keeps kissing me before I move my hand to his front. I wrap my hand around his length and he thrusts into my hand pulling away from the kiss.

"Fuck." He whispers, I smirk looking directly into his eyes as I move my fist on him. "Heath." He gasps.

I feel his lips against mine once more and I feel Briar's gaze on me. I know she likes this, me and him like this, he puts his hand in my hair before I feel him roll my hips thrusting into my hand. He groans as he does before he kisses my neck thrusting into my hand twice more.

"Are you not going to make a move?" He questions me. That when I roll over pinning him to the bed, he groans as I start kissing him.

I bite into his neck hard digging my teeth into his neck hard, he groans moving his hips. I look over seeing Briar in one of my t-shirts in the chair by the nightstand. He looks over at her when I look back at him and I start kissing down his chest. He turns pinning me fast back onto the bed and he smirks down at me.

"There is a pizza in the kitchen." He speaks and I see Briar get up instantly. We both turn to her arching a brow.

"What? I'm hungry." She mumbles then I see her walk out. He stands up and I rise up pulling my pants up, when I put on a fresh t-shirt, he walks up behind me. He kisses me on the neck making me shiver, I wanted to taste him.

"You want to suck me?" He asks and I nod.

"Yes." I answer in a breath and I feel him start to suck on my neck.

"Do it in front of her." He orders. He walks away from me leaving me in the bedroom before I turn following him out. When I get to the kitchen, I see her sitting at the counter already eating some pizza we walk up.

I grab a piece and so does Neil, we both sit on either side of her. We talk about our lives lately; we tell her about work and she seems really interested in our work. She asks us questions about clients, Neil and I tell her about parties and things we have to attend. We have been lucky to not run into anything lately but I have been hearing whispers about an engagement party for one of our clients. We will have to go to it because they are top tier clients of ours.

"Is this a relationship to the two of you or is it a fling?" She blurts. I freeze and see Neil frozen too.

"What is this to you?" I speak first.

"I don't know. I want it to be a relationship." She whispers.

"Briar, I don't play around. This is a relationship." Neil speaks to her. "We both like you, we both enjoy spending time with you and when you are not around it feels like a piece is missing." He describes everything perfectly.

"It does baby." I take her hand and she looks at me before she looks back down at the pizza.

"I have something to say then." She whispers. "I love you." She blurts. I feel my heart start thundering in my chest. If she really said that I would be the happiest man.

"Briar." I speak and she looks at me. I feel my breath hitch as I wait for her to speak.

I've known I loved her since the moment I was with her that night she passed out. I feel so deeply for both of them I love both of them, I start falling for Neil when we had our fun in the office. I always loved the way he took care of me, and that look in his eyes as he looked at me before he came.

"I do." She whispers. "I love both of you." She looks at Neil.

"I love you too." I spit it out before I can stop myself. "I love both of you." I look over at Neil and I see a fire in his eyes.

"I love both of you so fucking much it hurts." He blurts before he breathes hard. "God I've been waiting to say that." He whispers.  

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