Chapter 23: Heath

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She looks fucking perfect with her flushed cheeks, swollen lips, and her brown hair mused. I can see the bite marks on her neck, her lips are parted and I get an idea. I turn to Neil and he meets my gaze just as I lean in putting his lips on mine, we both groan and I feel him put his hand in my pants. I put my hand in his hair as he wraps his hand around my length.

"Baby do you want to taste him?" He asks pulling away he starts kissing my neck and I feel him unbuckle my belt.

"Yes." She whispers it. He wraps his hand around my throat before turning me to face her, he grinds against me.

"Come here baby." He instructs her and his voice sounds so good I bite the inside of my cheek. She gets on her knees in front of me, and it takes all of me to not touch her. He still has his hand wrapped around me and he offers me up to her like I'm a fucking sucker. She wraps her lips around the head of my cock and I groan. "That's a good girl." He kisses my neck making me shiver.

"Fuck..." I can't help but say that as I feel her mouth take me. I put my hand in her hair and he groans watching her, he groans and then I watch him walk away from me.

She sucks around me and I groan, the feel of her mouth around me makes me feel alive. She touches me in all the right places, her touch is exactly what I need as I feel her touch my chest. I watch him put his hands on her back and she moans her eyes keep me entranced. I watch her mouth where her my cock is moving in and out of her, and she moans.

"You like this don't you?" I hear him groan and I feel her hum the vibrations from her lips running right through me.

"Fuck." I mutter and I look up seeing him smirking at me.

"You know I like to make you go crazy, right?" He asks and she sucks around me.

"Briar." I groan my hand tightening in her hair. "Yes I do." I sigh and he starts moving. As he moves it moves her on me, I feel the tip of my cock hits the back of her throat over and over.

We all groan and I hear Neil's voice shake as he groans. The feel of her hair in my hand as she moves on me enhances the feeling, she moans. I watch my erection slide in and out of her mouth it only makes me more aroused. I look up at him and a look of understanding passes between us and I watch him lift his hand before he lowers it onto her ass. She cries out around my cock and I look down smirking at her.

"Keep that beautiful mouth on me Briar." I instruct her and she moans. I shudder trying to suppress it as her tongue moves around me. She cries out and he thrusts hard moving her making her gag around me.

"Oh my God." Neil groans. I start rolling my hips in time with his thrusts and I feel her suck around me it makes a sharp bead of pleasure run through me. I feel so pent-up right there on the edge, they both do things to me even I can't describe.

"Fuck baby." I speak to her, I put my hand on her chin and pull her bottom lip and she melts into my touch. I feel her tongue move around me and she moves on me hard like before and I hear her cry making me let go. "Briar." I moan her name feeling this feeling deep within me pulling me over the edge with her.

I pull her into my arms I smash my lips against hers I groan feeling the glowing feeling in my chest. This passion, this pleasure when I touch her and taste her, I hope never fades away. She moans and I sit down with her in my arms before I turn over fast catching her off guard pinning her to the bed. I put my hand on her chest as I kiss lower, she moans putting her hand in my hair. When I get to her waist she tries pushing me to wear she wants me most, I look up at her smirking as I see her chest rising and falling with her breathing.

"Heath please." She begs.

"So needy." I groan against her wetness teasing her pressing my lips against her.

"Please!" She bucks her hips then I put my hands on her hips pinning her to the bed.

"That's my girl." I coo feeling her relax before I put my mouth on her. I groan at her taste, moving my tongue through her folds wanting her to feel my everywhere.

"Heath oh my god!" She starts grinding against me, I love the way it feels tasting more of her and I groan. I move my fingers to her pussy flicking her clit before I thrust two fingers into her.

"Such a pretty pussy Briar." I feel her moan before I watch her roll her hips on my fingers. I watch her wetness clench around my fingers making me groan. The way that she rolls her hips taking her pleasure is so fucking attractive it makes me hard in seconds. "Fuck." I mutter just as I hear her whimper.  

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