Chapter 11: Neil

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We ask her all about her time moving around as we shower, I become more surprised the more I hear from her. My mom told me to ask her about her time moving when I saw her next I didn't think she actually meant it. Mom tried to convince me to do the same thing Briar was doing when she heard Briar was doing. I didn't know how to exactly travel with my skills being in my family's company and I was not moving away because it quickly became my passion.

"I became a tour guide in my time in New Orleans because I knew the place so well. I stayed there three years." She answers my question turning to me. She puts her arms around my neck and Heath steps up behind her, he starts kissing her neck.

I slowly lean in feeling her lips against mine. The feeling of her touching or kissing me leaves behind a tingle that makes me hard for her. I feel her gasp into the kiss and I put my hand on her thigh, she moans I pull away seeing Heath flicking her clit.

"Do you want us?" I ask her and she moans I see her meet my eye with a fire in her eyes.

"Yes." She answers biting her lip.

"Pick her up." Heath demands and I do she wraps her arms around me then I get what he wants. I start kissing her I drop her just a little letting her feel me hard making her moan. I put the tip of my cock at her entrance rubbing her clit with it first.

"Neil please." She moans then I thrust into her taking both of her hips into my hands. I groan feeling her clench around me making me feel all of her.

"Fuck." I mutter then I see Heath smirking as he moves out of the way. I start kissing her feeling her clenching around me moaning and shaking in my hold. I feel her hand in my hair urging me on especially when I suck over her pulse making her breathe hard.

"Let me know if I'm hurting you." Heath speaks and I pull away seeing him kissing her neck. I feel her become a little tense and I kiss her lips making her relax, she moans and I know he's thrusting inside of her.

It's not long until I feel him too, and we both groan. We meet each other's gaze before I feel her clench around me, she kisses my chest then we start moving. I keep my hands on her hips and I see Heath flicking her nipples as I keep my lips against hers. It becomes a fight for dominance as she keeps the kiss heated meeting me with everything she's got. I groan biting her lip hard and she gasps.

"Oh fuck." I feel him and he groans, she clenches around us making us both almost lose it. I feel my grip tighten on her hips as me and Heath both almost lose control.

I listen to her gasping and watch as she puts her hand in Heath's hair behind her thrusting her chest out. I put my lips on her neck seeing roll his head back as I kiss her chest feeling her soft skin against my lips. The feel of her is like heaven as she clenches dripping onto me. The feel of her juices makes me groan pulling away seeing Heath and her their lips locked as we move. I feel my high rush over me like hot water and we all feel it at the same time.

"Heath...Neil...." Our names come out in whispers as we all experience our high. I feel her clenching as the sound our groans urge us on, I keep rolling my hips until I've got nothing left in me. Heath steps away from us, then I pull out of her gently hearing her whimper.

"Are you okay?" Heath asks.

"Yes." She whispers answering him. I send a look to him and he sends one back to me. I keep her in my arms and he washes her hair, when it's time for me to put her down I have to catch her. Me and Heath both wash her before she moves against the wall. She watches us with a heat in her gaze as we wash up he turns to her first and smirks as I finish.

"Is there something you want?" He asks. She kneels down and looks at his dick that's hard for her.

"I want to taste you." She whispers.

I stand under the water watching as she takes it in her hand before licking the tip of it. He puts a hand in her hair and I watch as she puts her mouth on him taking him all the way. His head rolls back as he groans, it looks fucking erotic as she moans moving on her ankle.

There's one thing neither one of them know about me... I'm bisexual, and I've always had a thing for him. Not in a creepy way more like I notice he's fucking hot as hell, it's why I haven't been around many people. My parents know and they don't give a shit. Now that this might become... a thing I'm starting to think it's time to say something... or more like do something.

I get entranced in the way they move together as he rolls his hips and she takes him so well. I hear his groan and I watch as she swallows him before standing, she actually walks over to me after that. She kisses me and I actually taste him coming from her, I moan putting my hand in her hair.

"Oh fuck." He groans and I see him leaning against the wall as I back her into the wall. She moans when I start kissing her.

I kneel infront of her as my lips drift over her stomach lingering on her waist. I pick up her thigh putting it over my shoulder opening her up to me.  

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