Chapter 20: Neil

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After we eat, we start to help her unpack some more. It's mostly clothes and a few pictures. The way she looked in those pictures I saw, they were so beautiful. She looks so perfect, especially with that one on her knees she was dressed in red she was looking up. That one has to be my favorite. At least out of the ones I took the time to look at.

"Hey, can you help me with this?" She asks. I turn helping her lift a box off the ground.

"What is in this?" I ask.

"I don't know." She answers me. I put it on the table and she rips it open, I see a box in it. She opens it and we all stop speechless seeing a bunch of cash in it. There's a note on top I pick it up unfolding it.

"Briar, I love you. I love you like you are my own, I hope to sneak this into your boxes. I may be dead now and if I am I want you to know I love you. Use this money for your travels and maybe it can help if you face hard times. - Bex." I finish reading and I see tears in her eyes.

"Hey are you okay?" Heath asks her wrapping her arms around her.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Bex was my second mother back in New York." She pulls away from him facing the both of us. "She got cancer it was bad. I took care of her." She wipes the tears from her eyes.

"How long ago?" I ask.

"I put off moving after figuring out about her cancer. I stayed for about six months so about eight months ago." I do the math in my head she died two months after finding out she was sick.

"I'm sorry Briar." I give her the note.

"Her life insurance paid for everything and I settled her affairs myself. She didn't have any family. I was her family." She finishes in a whisper.

"I'm sorry." Heath wraps her arms around her.

"You need to deposit this." I tell her and she shakes her head.

"I don't want her money." She speaks.

"Baby if you leave it lying around someone will take it. She gave it to you to use it." I point out.

"You may be right." She looks around in the box. "Money couldn't make the box that heavy." She mutters. She starts taking out money before we all see what it really is.

"Does this mean anything to you?" I ask her. Me and Heath both lift out pieces of it.

"No." She answers. We all put it together and step back, it's a desk.

"Hang on." Heath whispers. "Bex wanted to give you a house warming gift." He gives her another note.

"I did tell her I was thinking about getting into drawing again." She nods with a smile on her face. "Can you put it against the wall?" Me and Heath move it to a corner in her room.

"Drawing again?" I ask.

"Yeah, I used to draw." She looks like she's looking for something. I see her go to her closet she comes out with a binder and gives it to me. I flip it open and I see drawings of women, very detailed drawings, then I see some of men, some hands and eyes too.

"You're very good." I compliment.

"Thank you." She blushes. Heath looks them over too.

"They are good." He whispers. She takes it putting it away and we all decide to take a break.

We go to the couch and I turn on another movie one that she said she wanted to watch. She rests her head against Heath's chest, I sit on the other side of her. She puts her hand in mine. I really like the way this feels, it just feels right with her, with both of them.

"Are you thinking about staying here Briar?" Heath asks abruptly.

"Yes." She whispers.

"I know you never liked it here." He speaks to her.

"If you want to leave, say the word." I follow what he's saying we talked about it the other night.

"I'm good here for now." She looks at me before looking at him.  

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