Chapter 38: Neil

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We convinced her to move in and she has been taking turns between our rooms and hers. When we all sleep together, we go to Heath's because his bed is bigger than both mine and hers. I roll over kissing Heath feeling him groan as he wakes up before I roll over to my other side kissing Briar. She moans into the kiss before I pull away, she raises up before she rises up. They both lean over me to each other kissing each other, before she pulls away standing up to go to the bathroom.

"I love you." Heath whispers and I turn meeting his lips in a bruising kiss. It makes me groan as I put my hand in his hair before we both hear a cry. We both get up running to the bathroom I see her getting up. We both run to her side as she closes her eyes wincing, wrapping her arms around herself.

"Sorry I'm okay." She speaks to us. Her black robe is on her and we are in our t-shirt and pants.

"No, you're not, what's happening?" I ask her.

"Just my period I'm fine." She turns to us.

"That was a cramp?" Heath speaks as she turns to the sink.

"Yes." She starts washing her face. "I don't have them often because of the pill it will go away in a day maybe two." She shrugs.

"Do you need me to get anything?" I ask her and she shakes her head.

"No, I have everything in my room." She speaks before she tries walking past us, Heath steps in front of her stopping her.

"If you need anything you need to tell us." He orders.

"I will, you know I will." She smiles before she kisses him, she turns to me next. I kiss her and she moans into the kiss when I put my hand in her hair. "I love you." She looks at both of us.

"I love you." I speak to her kissing her.

"I love you." Heath kisses her before stepping out of her way letting her walk out.

We are all out of work for thanksgiving, three days to be exact. None of us really celebrate thanksgiving, I myself am tired of the tradition and family dinners for Briar have turned into arguments. She really doesn't talk to her dad much now, just her mom, they had thanksgiving dinner last night.

I go to the kitchen and start up breakfast before I feel Heath behind me. I turn kissing him and he deepens it pressing his body against mine. I groan feeling him hard against me before I turn back around to the food.

"I need you." He whispers.

"You'll get me." I whisper back to him. "Do you have the rings?" I ask.

"I do, they're ready when we are." He tells me. He walks away over to Briar when she walks in the room. She sits at the counter still in her robe, I grab a glass filling it with water before sliding it to her.

"Thank you." She whispers. I see her take a pill as Heath sits beside her.

"Baby you don't have to thank me for a glass of water." I scoff and she smiles.

"I know that we are all really not big on thanksgiving but do you maybe want to cook maybe make our own kind of tradition?" She asks.

"What do you have in mind?" Heath asks her putting his arm around her.

"We could watch movies and I know a few recipes we could make a night of it." She suggests.

"I like that idea." I speak to her.

"Me too." Heath smiles. "Are you feeling, okay?" He asks before I can.

"I'm okay." She nods. I turn back to the good getting it all ready before I slide over some plates.

We take turns cooking me and heath swap out for breakfast, we all swap nights for dinner. We all figure out whatever for lunch. Man, that woman can cook, she has this journal she kept from her time traveling she really knows how to cook. I really like having her around and I hope she says yes to our proposal. I am nervous as hell so is Heath we got together at work and picked out rings. The advantage of owning a company is you can have shipments mailed to you at work as long as you can explain them.

"I need to go shopping." Briar speaks taking her plate to the sink.

"Why?" Me and Heath, both say it at the same time.

"I wasn't going to tell you but I figured I may have too. I have scheduled a shoot." She speaks.

"Wait a photo shoot?" I ask.

"Boudoir?" Heath chimes.

"Yes." She blushes. Me and Heath both look at each other. "Mom knew one of her friends that does do them when they are requested." She explains.

"Can we go with you?" I ask. "To go shopping?" I finish.

"You can I was going to ask you to come because it is two hours away." She explains.

"Is that why you told us about the shoot?" Heath arches a brow.

"Yeah, if you saw me coming home with a lot of lingerie and I wouldn't want to put them on for you I would have had to tell you anyway." She nods.  

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