Chapter 10: Briar

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I turn to face Heath and he pulls me closer to him kissing me on the forehead. I put my hand on his chest, feeling of his soft skin before I move it behind his neck. I play with the ends of his hair.

"Briar. What do you want out of this?" He asks.

"I don't know." I shake my head.

"I never thought I would have you in my arms again." He whispers.

I feel him move closer moving my thigh over his. I lean forward kissing him and he groans, he puts his hands in my hair deepening it and I feel the glowing feeling I always feel back then. I feel the bed dip and Neil presses up against me kissing my shoulder, I close my eyes moaning feeling him bite me lightly. I feel like we're in high school as I turn my head kissing Neil feeling his lips against mine, I turn my head feeling Heath's lips right after.

"I don't know what I want. I'm sorry, I just don't." I speak, I lay back against Neil's chest.

"You don't have to." Heath speaks I put my hand in his.

"You don't have to know anything right now, Briar." Neil speaks I feel him move his hand down my side putting his hand on my hip.

"We have a lot to talk about." Heath speaks. "And we will. Tonight, just let yourself feel it, okay?" He urges.

"Okay." I agree.

"Sleep baby." Neil whispers, I feel him kiss my neck. Heath puts his hand on my hip and they both make me feel so warm and wanted. I let my eyes drift close feeling Neil drawing circles on my thigh and I drift off to sleep.

I feel a set of hands on me and I feel lips on my thigh. I open my eyes seeing Heath kissing me, I look up seeing Neil standing at the foot of the bed watching. I moan feeling Heath's finger thrust inside of me and I bite my lip. I roll my hips gasping as another finger slips into me.

"You were right such a pretty pussy." Heath groans curling his fingers inside of me like pulling it out of me making me arch my back.

"Heath..." It comes out as a husky whisper and they both groan.

"You've been asleep for two hours baby." Neil speaks I feel Heath rub his thumb over my clit making me see stars. I clench around his fingers the feeling of desire flooding me making me feel full, on display for both of them.

"Good girl." Heath speaks making me moan as the words wash over me.

"I need more." I speak arching my back rolling my hips trying to feel more as I clench around his fingers.

"Fuck, Briar." Neil speaks. I feel another finger join the others making me gasp pushing my hips taking them deeper. I feel the bed dip and Neil leans over me kissing me, he pulls my hair making me moan Heath groans.

"That's a good girl." He coos and Neil groans I feel Heath flick my clit making me go over the edge as he curls his fingers.

"Such a good girl." Neil whispers running his fingers through my hair as I come down. Neil pulls me into his arms and puts me down I look up at the both of them towering over me. The both start kissing my neck and I put my hand on their sides they both start sucking at the same time making me moan.

"We both want you baby." Heath whispers I can only moan putting my hand in Neil's hair as he bites down lightly. When Neil pulls away Heath picks me up and I wrap my arms around his neck as he carries me to the bathroom.

"You two are okay with this?" I ask and they both smirk at one another as Heath sets me down. They both start walking to me and I feel my back hit the wall and I shiver as they stand around me.

"More than okay with this." Heath speaks, he steps away and Neil kisses me, then I hear the water running. I moan and he picks me up, I put my hand in his hair feeling my clit start to throb reacting to him. "I like seeing you with him." I hear Heath's voice as Neil steps into the shower with Heath.

"Just like I like seeing Heath with you." Neil whispers I feel my feet hit the ground and my eyes meet Heath's.

"Are you going to tell where you moved off to after you left?" He asks.

"That's a long list." I step under the water. "First it was Myrtle Beach, then Philly, Houston, Texas not here, then New Orleans, the list goes on." I turn to them.

"Sounds like you've been everywhere." Heath smiles.

"Thirty-six states not all fifty... yet." I finish.

"Of all the places you've been where was your favorite?" Neil steps forward.

"New Orleans." I answer without hesitation. "Mardi Gras, beignets, the witches, crystal shops is where you can meet some of the nicest people."

"Witches?" Heath asks.

"Yes." I tell him. "Don't worry I never learned any of it." I tease.  

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