Chapter 40: Neil

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I see her on her phone, I know she reads I just don't know what she reads. Heath looks over her shoulder and I see him smirk when I look over. When I stop at the next light, I reach over grabbing her phone. She tries to make a grab for it but he puts his arm around her shoulders. I smirk seeing it's a spicy scene and the character is bent over a sink.

"Oh, come on." She sighs making Heath laugh I give It back to her as the light turns green.

"Do we have to compete with books?" I ask her and she shakes her head.

"No." She answers immediately. She shuts off the phone putting it under her thigh.

"You know I'm just teasing, right?" I question her.

"I know." She whispers it in a breath. "Who do you think I fantasize about when I read them?" She blurts making me look over at her.

"Really?" Heath asks.

"Yes." She answers blushing. "I love both of you, when I am around you consume my mind and when I have time alone, I read and you just consume me then too." She explains.

"Do you like that?" I ask.

"Of course." She answers.

"Question." Heath leans forward. "Do you read books with two men?" He asks.

"Yes." She answers.

"They have books like that?" I blurt.

"If you know where to look." She laughs.

"Where do you get them?" Heath asks. I look in the rearview mirror seeing him leaning between our two seats looking at her intently.

"Wait, you want to read them?" She asks and I see him shrug.

"They sound fun." He smirks.

"Give me your phone." She orders.

"Am I going to have to compete with books?" I ask him seeing him make eye contact with me in the mirror.

"Nope." He answers me. "Just curious." He mutters as Briar hands him the phone back. I watch him lean back and they both start reading on their phones.

I let them read as we head back, I grab food before we get back. When we get home, we all walk in and Heath puts a hand on my shoulder stopping me as Briar walks into the house. I watch her head for the kitchen before I turn around facing him.

"Do you want to do this?" He asks.

"Yes." I answer him immediately.

"They are in the top drawer of your dresser." He tells me and I nod. He heads to her side while I go to my bedroom, I go to the drawer and open it up.

I see the three velvet boxes sitting on top, I open one seeing one of the rings that match another. It's silver, lined with diamonds a thick band several rows of diamonds. It's the design we got for us, the one we got for her was a silver princess cut diamond ring a thin band lined with diamonds. It's beautiful and so Briar. I put the rings behind my back and start walking to the kitchen, that table right outside has a drawer and I pull it out dropping them in. I walk into the kitchen and nod at Heath so he knows.

"You really want to read books?" She questions Heath.

"Yes." He answers. "What kinds do you read?" He asks. I sit beside her grabbing my food and I listen to them.

"What do you mean dark or relationship wise?" She asks.

"What?" He asks and she laughs.

"Okay, I'm going to leave now." She gets up.

"No, you're not." I move in front of her and her face is a flush red.

"What do you mean?" Heath asks standing behind her.

"Dark meaning people kill people, or sex wise. Or how many people in a relationship wise." She explains looking down at the floor.

"Like Harley and Joker nuts?" Heath asks and she laughs.

"Kinda." She answers. "Except you know Harley was abused by Joker, right?" She asks turning to him.

"No, I didn't." He answers, then I remember what she said about sex. He arches a brow before stepping closer to her. "What was that about sex?" He asks.

"Nothing." She shakes her head. I step closer behind her and she leans into my touch when I put my hand on her hip.

"You logged me into your account I can find out." Heath threatens.

"How? You're going to have to look through about three hundred books." She points out.  

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