Chapter 33: Neil

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That was fucking perfect, made my whole fucking week really. They both walk away and I think I hear her whispering to him. Heath looks over at her smirking as she takes another sip of my beer. When she pushes it back over to me, she arches a brow at us seeing both of us looking at her.

"What?" She mumbles. Me and Heath look at each other before we start laughing, it's not long until she joins in.

"Porn stars?" I question him and he shrugs.

"First thing that came to mind." He waves it off. "You know they're right." He blurts and I arch a brow.

"What?" I question.

"Women should really be detectives. How did you put all of that together?" He turns his attention to her.

"It wasn't that hard." She shrugs. "My mom says that since I have been all over and I meet so many different people maybe I have become able to read them better than most." She answers.

"How did you know he was uncomfortable?" I ask.

"He was standoffish she was doing the talking. He was really nervous and quiet like he was going off script or something, I don't know just a vibe." She speaks.

"How did you read us when we saw you that day?" Heath asks.

"No, I didn't take the time to read you." She answers bluntly. "I got a read on you later, when you were telling me everything." She finishes.

"What did you get?" He arches a brow.

"You've never lied to me Heath. I let you talk but when you finished, I felt... a spark. Something was there, even with Neil there." She whispers.

"That's why you were so open to that first night?" I tease and she blushes.

"I'm not talking now." She mumbles then I see Heath's arm move and she freezes.

"What was that?" I ask her.

"Not here." She whispers putting her head down on the table.

"Why not?" Heath looks at me with his sexy smirk. He turns slightly and she looks up at me her cheeks a pale pink. Her chest moving with her breaths, you can see her trying to keep herself calm but it's a losing battle.

"So beautiful." I comment and she puts her head back down.

"No baby, look at him." Heath orders. She looks back up at me and I watch her eyes, I see it all.

"You've never touched me here." She whispers.

"Why not start now?" He arches a brow. "You were such a good girl." He talks about her mouthing off to Melanie earlier. I see her close her eyes and I know she's coming. She lays over on his shoulder and I see him wipe his hand on the napkin on the table. "Good girl." He whispers, making her blush. I see her fix her pants and she takes a swig of his beer.

"Do you want to leave we can get a pizza?" I suggest throwing her for a loop.

"Sure." She whispers. When we all stand up to leave I see Melanie arguing with 'Jeff' me and Heath smirk at one another as we both walk behind Briar leaving the pub.

As we walk to my car, or my old car we hear running and when we turn I Melanie. She tries slapping Briar but she ducks Heath and I step in front of her.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I blurt. Melanie has tears running down her cheeks and she points at Heath.

"Why couldn't you just do what I planned?" She asks.

"What you planned?" He asks.

"We used to be friends, I was supposed to-"

"Supposed to what?" Briar asks stepping between us. Melanie freezes up looking between all of us, she claps her hands I see the pub door open and the guy walks out. He walks right up to Briar.

"Can we talk? Look, I just want a minute, you'll literally never see my face again." He holds his hands up.

"Are you going to tell me about her?" She asks and he nods. "Spill." She orders. He looks at Heath before he sighs.

"My name is Blake. She has been wanting to marry him, said he got into some big company made lots of money. She said she wanted to be with him in high school because he was so good looking and mysterious. She hired me to come drive a wedge between you and him, I needed the money because I have student loans and things are piling up. She did not know that you have a thing with both of them." He finishes before turning to her.

"Thank you for ruining my plans." She grumbles and he smirks.

"Your plans were already ruined before you got here. It seems from my time spent with you, on the plane, in your car you don't want anything but you to be on top. You want the money, the looks, the charisma but you just keep striking out... I wonder why." He trails off.

"You need a place to stay?" Briar asks.

"Yeah actually." He runs a hand through his hair.

"Go to the hotel on third, tell them you work for me." I blurt and he nods.

"Why were you trying to slap me?" Briar asks as Blake walks away. Melanie moves once more trying to hit her Briar moves quick before kicking her. "I lived in New York, hon you're going to have to try a lot harder than that." Looking down at Melanie now on the ground.

"How did you always get him?" She looks at Heath.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Heath asks.

"I was supposed to be with you!" Melanie screams.

"Let's just go." Briar mutters. We both turn getting in the car before we hear another word from Melanie and I drive away.  

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