Chapter 24: Briar

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I'm begging for it and I don't even care, I don't care that I'm begging for him to put his mouth back on me. I roll my hips twice more before I feel him flick my clit, I makes me moan before I feel him pull his fingers from me. He groans before I see stars feeling his mouth against me once more, I feel him licking, groaning, his mouth on me making me feel everything I want.

"Such a good girl." He groans before I feel him suck my clit between his teeth making me go over the edge. I keep his mouth against me grinding against his face until I can't take it anymore and I feel my eyes start to drift close.

I feel him holding me and I rest my head against his shoulder. My whole body is covered in sweat and he kisses me on the cheek. I feel movement before I feel the cover on me I feel Neil kiss my shoulder before I feel relaxed between them. I go to sleep quickly feeling both of them near me, and I let that lull me into the darkness.

"Neil." I hear a groan and I move slightly before I hear another groan. I open my eyes and I see them on the other side of the bed, Neil is fucking Heath and jerking him off at the same time. Heath on his hands and knees, both of them like this sends a rousing stirring feeling through me.

"Look at her." Neil orders Heath and when he does Neil pushes him down pushing his ass up for him.

"Fuck..." Heath trails off before I see Neil's jaw go slack and he thrusts once hard. "Neil!" I watch them both go over the edge I watch them as they both groan through it. They both groan in a heap beside me and I feel sleep close to me, I groan wiping my eyes before I stand up.

My legs still feel a little shaky as I walk but I get into the bathroom and pee before I leave. When I walk back out, they are laying in the bed together and I lay beside Neil covering up. For some reason I feel a little out of it.

"I don't think I'm okay." I lean back up then I feel my head start to spin.

"Hey. Hey." Neil wraps his arms around me. "She's burning up." I hear him speak before I feel my eyes fall closed. I hear a beeping noise that takes me out of my sleep, and I open my eyes, they both see me.

"Hey." Heath speaks softly and I feel so tired, I feel a shooting pain in my arm and I see an I.V. "You passed out, the doctors don't know why." He grabs my hand and I see Neil beside me.

"I'll go get her." He whispers and Heath nods.

"How do you feel?" He asks putting his hand against my forehead.

"Tired." I speak. When the door opens I see a doctor walk inside she smiles at me.

"Ms. Wylder. How do you feel?" She asks.

"Just tired." I whisper and she nods.

"When was the last time you drank water?" She asks.

"That I couldn't tell you." I shake my head.

"Well, you have me stumped. I can't find a reason why you passed out, no stroke, signs of infection, your sugar level was fine, other than that you just seem a little dehydrated." She explains.

"I don't remember the last time I drank water." I answer her.

"The human body needs about two liters of water a day. You need to start drinking water. You did have a low-grade fever when you came in it seems that was when it was coming down." She speaks and I see the guys with a glare in their eyes. "I can let you go, but if you land back in here, I have to keep you for observation." She explains.

"Okay." I can only answer with that and she nods before she leaves the room.

"Why haven't you drunk any water?" Heath asks.

"I've been busy. I learned a new job at the pub, and then I needed to unpack I guess I just... I don't know." I rub a hand through my hair. I feel my eyes start to drift close before I hear water running, I open them seeing Neil standing with a cup of water. I take the cup from him and drink the whole thing. "What happened at the house?" I ask.

"You don't remember?" Neil asks.

"I just heard you talking after I sat back down in the bed." I explain.

"You almost fell off. I caught you then I felt how hot you were." He speaks. "You scared me." He whispers.

They drive me back home and when I try going back to bed, they tell me that they won't let me until I drink two cups of water.

"Okay." I walk over to the sink and grab my cup. I feel it up with water and chug it twice before turning to them. When I head back to my room I put on a gown and they both lay next to me.

"I swear if you do that again, I might not leave your side." Heath whispers and I hear Neil scoff.

"I'm right there." Neil wraps his arms around my waist and I relax between them. Something about being near them makes me feel good, they both make me feel content. I love this feeling and I don't want it to go away. I hope it never does. 

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