Story Time (Platonic Ivy Trio)

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My friends and I are a lot of things, and smart isn't exactly at the top of the list. Well, except for Newt, but that's almost a given. Minho, however runs on his strength and unnaturally good hair, and Thomas runs on his own thing. To be honest I don't even think there's a word for it.

I guess that's what led to this. For some reason I thought it was a genius idea to tell horror stories while in a desert full of monsters. Once again we aren't exactly the brightest, but at least we're the most fun.

"That's cheating! You can't just retell Thomas's story in different words,"I argued.

"Sure I can. I tell it better,"Minho shrugged.

"You can't just steal my idea,"Thomas debated.

"Sure I can. I just did."

"I swear you three share a brain cell,"Newt mumbled under his breath.

"No we don't,"We all exclaimed at the same time, sort of contradicting our statement.

"You three give me a headache sometimes,"He sighed, shaking his head.

"Mama Newt-"
"Please don't call me that,"He pleaded.

"Mama Newt, that wasn't very motherly of you,"I pointed out.

"I am not your buggin' mum,"He repeated for the thousandth time today.

"Hey. Do you remember what happened when everyone heard Newt speak for the first time?"Minho reminded me.

"I want to know,"Thomas chipped in.

"Please don't,"He begged.

"I do. He was scared he was surrounded by different species because none of us sound like him. He thought he was in the looney bin,"I retold the story. Thomas was completely immersed as he tried to imagine calm, logical, cool minded Mama Newt freaking out over an accent. To be more precise he was freaking out over his own accent.

"Yeah. It was just you, me, and Alby. Everytime a Greenie came he'd be praying it'd be another person always saying bloody every ten seconds."

"But alas there never was another person who doesn't pronounce their g's,"I dramatically finished Minho's sentence.

"Why? Why did I decide you three were the people to be friends with?"He groaned.

"I love this story. Can I tell it? You know what? I'm going to tell it,"I announced.

"It was a Greenie night, and he clearly had no clue what to do. Gally was passing out his special drink for the very first time. Minho and I said shuck it and drank it without hesitation."

"That was our first mistake of the night,"Minho added.

"That's when we found out it was disgusting, and instead of being smart and putting it up Minho and I decided to see who could drink the most without throwing up."

"Unfortunately, it does a lot more than that,"Minho stated, emphasizing the lot.

"Which is why I said hey Minho. Wouldn't it be super cool if I climbed the tallest tree I could?"

"And I said that sounds super dangerous. I cannot let you do that in good conscience. I obviously have to be with you when you attempt this."

"He said it in much less sophisticated words,"I added.

"I thought that was the case,"Thomas shrugged, in love with this story.

"I may as well chip in,"Newt sighed.

"I decided not to chug a drink that burned my throat. That's why when I heard these two I dragged them away from the Deadheads. Do you have any idea how hard that is?"

"Properly a lot,"Thomas guessed.

"That's an understatement. These two were just swayin' back and forth and complainin'. I figured they would do something else that would put them in danger so I helped them out."

"He made us sleep in his hut,"I clarified.

"Is that why you call him Mama Newt?"Thomas asked, cocking his head like a curious puppy.

"Yep, and he absolutely loves it,"I teased, ruffling his hair. He kind of accepted defeat as he took a long breath.

"Don't be fooled. He's happy to be friends with us,"I whispered loud enough for all three of them to hear.

"Of course. I just don't like the Mama Newt thing, but yes. I am very happy that you shanks are my best friends. All of you,"He admitted.

"Aww. I love you to Mama Newt."

"Don't call me that!"

"Can you guys stop talking? We're trying to sleep,"Aris complained.

"Then, don't,"I shrugged.

"I am going to hit all four of you with his bat if you don't sleep,"Frypan grumbled.

"Okay, okay. Story time's over,"Newt announced.

"Listen to Mama Newt,"He scolded, knowing nobody could ignore it when he gave in to his title.

"Fine. Goodnight you ugly shuckfaces,"Minho grumbled, turning over.

"Goodnight guys,"Thomas added.

"Sleep tight you idiots and Newt,"I said, realizing once I closed my eyes that I actually was exhausted.

"Goodnight guys. Love you oblivious shanks."

"Mhm. Love you to Mama Newt."

Despite being wide awake for story time just a few seconds ago staying up with them wore me out. It always does.

Even so I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.

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