Who To Trust-Part 1 (Minho)

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Aris and I had been here for hours. Because the other room with girls has been full I had to sleep in what was supposed to be for only guys. While I couldn't help but feel annoyed it was kind of good. Besides, after everything that we went though I doubt being alone was a good idea. Because even if a lot of us did want to kill him (and maybe even attempt) trust had been earned, and it all worked out. Well, for some of us. One of those people was me so I guess there could be things worse than having Aris as a roommate.

Still, being stuck in a new place while staring at a ceiling was no fun. Even though we knew the other was awake we didn't speak a word. Not that I expected him to. He wasn't the most chatty person, and when he was you had to initiate the conversation and prove you didn't want his head on a stick. While I had done one of those, talking right now seemed pointless.

"Do you think that there's blood on our hands?"He suddenly whispered.

"I don't know, man. Probably,"I shrugged.

"Oh gee. Thanks,"He deadpanned.

"Did you want me to lie?"I sighed.

"Yeah. Maybe a little bit,"He admitted.

"And say what?"I huffed.

"I don't know, man. Maybe 'No, Aris. Everything that happened is normal, and none of these deaths are our fault' sounds like a good thing,"He suggested.

"That's stupid. I mean you definitely have the most. Why deny it?"I scoffed.

"Maybe so I don't feel like the worst person to exist?"

"You're not, but that doesn't mean you're not guilty. Don't get me wrong. I think that you're chill, but that doesn't erase your past. Nothing can. All anyone can do is look forward and hope nobody else dies."

"Your realism sucks,"He complained.

"Your need for people to lie to your face is unhealthy,"I shrugged.

"Whatever, man. I'm going to the bathroom,"He grumbled, tossing the sheets off and walking the few feet away. Bored out of my mind and realizing attempting to sleep was pointless, I sat on the floor when he shut the door and started doing curl ups. That way I could forget everything for a little bit. That was my unhealthy way of coping. Pretending everything that goes on in my life is normal and not traumatic. I just say something like "damn bro, that sucked" and get on with life.

Banishing your friend to certain death and then some?

"Damn bro, that sucked."

Watching people you care about die and knowing you were too slow to save them?

"Damn bro, that sucked."

Running through a Maze and feeling like a failure when you returned with nothing new?

"Damn bro, that sucked."

Sort of wishing it would all be over and you didn't have to wake up?

"Damn bro, that really sucks."

Fueled by this, I kept doing my work out. As I was finally pushing everything away there was loud, irritating banging on the door. Ignoring it, I chose to lie flat on my back and do absolutely nothing. What are they gonna do? Break the door down.

"Teresa! Teresa! are you there?!"some dude shouted. Still unmoving on the ground, I closed my eyes as I put my face flat on the cold, hardwood floor. It was kind of nice. If these dumbasses would stop hitting the door I would be at peace.

That was just too much to ask for though as it literally came off of its hinges. Rolling my eyes, I looked up to see some Asian boy with nice, black hair, a compression shirt to flex his muscles, and flawless skin that I was sort of jealous of, just standing there.

Coming out right at time to see whatever this was, the sink turned on and off before Aris walked off.

"We got company,"I sighed, looking at him. He looked back and just shrugged.

"So who are you?"I asked the strangers.

"Us? Who are you two?"the boy I had noticed first asked.

"Why should we tell you? For all we know you could be working for WICKED,"I pointed out, sitting on my bed.

"Maybe you're working for WICKED,"He shot back. I just rolled my eyes for what was way too many times and leaned against the ladder.

"We are just two people. You are a group of people. Some of you have too much sass as well,"I added, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Don't judge me. You don't even know me,"the boy snapped.

"Wow. Hypocritical much?"I scoffed.

"I don't like you or trust you,"The boy scowled.

"Ouch. My poor emotions. It's a good thing that the feeling is more than mutual."

"This isn't going to end well,"Aris mumbled.

"What gave it away? The way they're immediately accusing us of being evil?"I asked.

"Yeah. Something like that."

"Thanks for acknowledging our presence,"a boy with a bit of an accent mumbled. I stared at him to see that he was tall with shoulder length, blonde hair, brown eyes, and and expression that showed he was done with this. Did he think that we weren't?

"So Aris, you're a guy,"I started.

"Thanks. I didn't notice,"He deadpanned.

"Tell me, are all guys an inconvenience to girls lives or do I just have bad luck?"

"I don't know. I don't remember jack about basically anything."

"Do you know anything?"

"Bold thing to say for someone who's constantly asking questions."

"Like I did five minutes ago? Guess I have a terrible memory because I swear that was you."

"Can you two chill on your weird conversation and tell us who you are?"a boy with an acne ridden face asked.

"What are you gonna do if we don't? Slam us against a wall?"

"Maybe I will,"the Asian boy scoffed.


"For the love of-that was a threat Y/N,"Aris groaned.

"I was kind of hoping it was a promise. Some messed up love confession that could end with me elbowing him."

"You two, you both suck,"He scowled, storming off.

"Nice to meet you too, love. If only your personality matched your nice face,"I yelled. Because I love being a menace to people who deserve it, and he definitely does from accusing Aris and I of being bad.

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