Perfect Trio (Newt & Minho)

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Minho and Newt. Newt and Minho. My two best friends in the entire world. What we all have is pretty special. I mean we may as well have been in the box together. We sure as shuck acted like it.

That's why, as mean as it may seem, I feigned ignorance to their obvious feelings towards me. As far as I was concerned Minho didn't try to be even funnier when I was near, and Newt never did little things to be just a little closer to me.

Nope. No idea what you mean.

Anyway, even if I do like one of them it doesn't matter. I would feel like klunk if that affected our love and care we have for each other in any direction.

So nope. I totally don't see Minho making sure his already perfect hair is extra well kept or Newt glancing over at me. Nope, nope, nope.

At bonfire night I was hidden amongst Sonya and Harriet, keeping my back turned and head down as I kept myself completely immersed in the conversation. That was just the way it needed to be. There was not a single thing to worry about.

"Why do you look like someone's holding you hostage?"Sonya suddenly asked, glancing at me. Shrugging, I internally cursed as I realized that I had been caught overthinking it.

Well, overthinking the consequences that I refused to let happen.

"I don't really think I should talk about it,"I mumbled.

"Are you sure? It might help to get it off of your chest?"Harriet pointed out.

"It would. It's just that . . . "I trailed off.

"It's just that what?"Sonya asked.

"It just involves other people, and I don't want to disrespect their privacy,"I explained.

"Well, what if you gave them code names? Then, you could talk about it without actually revealing anything,"She suggested.

"I guess that would work,"I hesitantly agreed, taking breath before looking at the ground. "So I have these two friends, A and B. They're both best friends and my friends too. They also both like me though, even though I don't want them to since it would ruin everything. I don't want to choose, but I don't know how long I can pretend not to notice,"I spilled, feeling my face burn more and more with each word.

"Well, that's a cliche,"Sonya remarked.

"In that case, I hate cliches."

"We all do,"Harriet sighed, shaking her head.

"So what do I do?"I practically begged, glancing between both of them.

"First, would you choose either of them?"She questioned.

"No,"I honestly answered.

"Then, tell both of them that,"Sonya jumped in.

"I don't want to hurt their feelings though."

"It would hurt more if you kept pushing it off, and their feelings kept growing. You need to knock it out now,"Harriet added.

"What if they don't want to be friends with me after that though?"

"If you not liking either of them back makes them cut you off completely then you were never friends to begin with. Space is one thing but forgetting about you because of something you can't help isn't something that you want to deal with."

"They are my friends though."

"Then, you'll have nothing to worry about. So talk to them,"Sonya repeated.

"Yeah. I think I will,"I hesitantly agreed. "Thanks. I appreciate the advice."

"Don't mention it. Besides, we've seen this before."

"You have?"

"Yeah. It's a long story though and definitely not a pretty one."

"Because they didn't take our advice so let that be a warning. This will help you avoid a friendship disaster."

"You could have opened with that."

"Well, I didn't. Now I'm heading out. See you sticks tomorrow."

"I actually will too. See you tomorrow Sonya and thanks a million,"I repeated.

"Don't thank me until you actually take it,"She recommended. Wow. How promising.

Still, it's all I have right now. I may as well accept it.

Time Skip♡

I knew the advice that they gave me was realistically pretty good. At the same time I spent all night tossing and turning just to think about it, which was more than stressful. So much so that I had just been staring at them from afar while arguing with myself about it in my head. I know. How useful.

It's just that confrontation isn't something that I usually do. No matter how big or small. Besides, I'm never really in any drama. I actually just sit by and watch it go down where I wouldn't be involved. That's how it's always been, and that's how I like it.

I know that I don't actually have anything to worry about. Kind of. Newt and Minho are my best friends. Whatever happens won't change that. Right?

Well, I was about to find out. Hidden behind the wall, I waited for them to get their notes as I kept biting my nails, a habit that I had given up on losing a while ago.

After several more deep breaths the sound of two pairs of footsteps vaguely met my ears. Turning my head, I was face to face with Minho and Newt who exchanged strange glances before stepping near me where we couldn't be seen.

"Any particular reason we're back here or did you just miss me that much?"Minho joked after barely a second of silence.

"I know that you have feelings for me. Both of you,"I blurted out. With Newt completely avoiding eye contact and Minho scratching the back of his head the situation was already weird. Still, I just kept going before I lost the ability to speak. "Listen. You're both obviously amazing. At the same time you are also both my best friends, and I don't want that to end,"I explained, still looking at their expressions. Newt was a light shade of red as he picked at the hem of his sleeves while Minho just kept his head high despite his crossed arms. So all of us kind of stood there, not knowing what to say.

"And if we weren't?"Newt spoke up, breaking the tense silence.

"It doesn't matter. You are,"I said firmly.

"For just one second though, pretend we aren't. Who would you choose?"Minho repeated.

"Neither,"I instantly admitted, internally cringing at the harsh, straightforward way I said that. Softening the blow was not going that well. I mean if the way Newt was ripping threads and Minho was looking at the ground didn't give it away nothing would. "You two are my friends, and I love you guys. I really, really do. That's why I don't want to do something to ruin our friendship. It's not worth the risk,"I explained.

"And if-"

"No more what if's,"I interrupted, trying to be stern yet gentle. "I choose both of you because I choose our friendship. I'd rather have things be awkward for a little bit than lose either of you. You shanks mean too much to not be in life. You understand, right?"

"Yeah. I guess so,"Newt mumbled. Now looking at Minho, I silently asked for his answer while internally praying it was the same one.

"Yeah. It does make sense,"He finally agreed.

"Thank you for understanding and listening. If you don't want to hang out for a while I completely understand,"I promised.

"And miss being around our other shank of a friend? Are you kidding? We've got a secret handshake for a reason,"Minho sort of joked. Holding my hand out, we did the same before looking at Newt.

With a halfhearted sigh and a slight grin he joined in on that same almost ridiculous handshake that we invented when we had Gally's special drink for the first time. To be completely honest, it's one of the only things that I remember from that night.

So that can only mean one thing.

Our trio was never meant to be split apart. We would never have to choose.

We just needed each other. The logical, the sassy, and the observer. Opposites yet perfect for anything life threw our way.

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