The Chapter Of Us (Thomas)

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I love Thomas. I love him more than anything in the world. I love him more than the scent of the ocean breeze early in the morning. I love him more than when the sky changes colors during the sunset. I love him more than the sounds freshly fallen leaves make when they crunch beneath your feet. I love him more than the smell the earth gets when it's about to rain. I love him more than life itself.

I had always thought that he did too. I always thought that he would. I always thought that I would forever mean everything to him.

Now though, I just feel like a fool. An absolute fool.

I had been waiting for an hour in a coffee shop for the date that he had planned. Yet he can't even bother to show up for it? To top it off, he's already been so distant. He's always out of the house. He suddenly became protective over his phone. He's taking so many extra shifts I don't know how he's even alive.

He's done everything but show that he loves me.

Looking at my watch, when I saw that ten more minutes had passed I left down some cash for my drink and just walked out. Wiping my tears with my sleeve, I just stayed there for a moment and tried to collect myself. Taking several breaths, I closed my eyes to get myself ready to go home when I felt someone lightly tap my shoulder. Turning around, the tears instantly came back as I saw Thomas standing there, out of breath and shaky.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry. I really am. I promise that I didn't forget. I would never forget. I just got held up,"He vaguely explained.

"Held up with what?"

"Listen, I can't tell you that just yet but-"
Cutting him off, I did the opposite of listen as I turned around and left. Despite the way he was still calling my name I ducked through the crowd of people, getting the hell out of there. I just needed to breathe. I needed to breathe, and I could only do that if he wasn't by me.

So I turned a corner and ran straight down, barely needing to look up as I just darted down the street, ignoring cars as I ran straight to my best friend's book shop. Almost busting the door down, I ignored the dirty look from an older man as I went to the front desk. Ringing the bell, I waited there until she came out of the back, wearing a bright grin until she saw my face.

"What happened?"She asked quickly.

"Thomas,"I muttered, putting my head in my hands and my elbows on the counter.

"Come on. Let's go sit,"She suggested. Nodding, I just followed her down a few shelves to the very end of the shop. Patting one of the chairs, she gestured for me to take a seat. Wiping my eyes, I did so. "What happened with Thomas?"

"He was an hour late to our date, and he didn't say why. He didn't even pick up the phone when I called. He's just been so distant, and I don't know why,"I spilled.

"Maybe he overslept or something? Forgot to plug his phone in?"She suggested.

"It's not just this. He's barely been around. Does he even still love me?"

"I'm sure he does. He probably just has something else going on right now,"She reasoned.

"But what? And why wouldn't he tell me?"I pointed out.

"That would've ruined it,"Someone remarked. Glancing up, we both saw Thomas standing there with his hands in his jacket pockets.

"How'd you know I was here?"

"Because you always come here when you're upset or just when something is going on,"He said simply.

"What do you want?"

"To explain everything. To explain why I've seemed so distant lately,"He answered, still looking at me. Looking back, I silently told him to do just that. "You are my everything. You're why I know what it means to love. You're why I know what it means to look for light in the darkness. Because whenever something happens I'll look at you and remember that it's all going to be okay. It always is as long as I have you. Falling in love with you, being with you, has been the greatest experience of my life, and I never want it to end. I never want you to go home after you wake up at my house. I never want you to have to drive over just to stay the night. I never want you to leave my side. I want everything with you. A home, a family, a life. Because you are the only person worth sharing any of that, sharing anything, with. So even though I was planning on waiting, even though I was still trying to figure out just how to do this,"He began, getting on one knee and pulling a box out of his pocket. "Will you-"
"Yes!"I instantly agreed. Standing up, he threw his arms around me before spinning me around and pulling me back to him. Wearing the biggest grin anyone has ever had the opportunity to have, I crashed my lips against his. Putting his hands around my waist, he kissed me back in a way that let me feel the happiness he was filled of. In a way that said he was just as excited to start this next chapters of our lives as I was.

The chapter of us.

The chapter we would make together.

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