Flower Crowns-Part 1 (Thomas)

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You didn't know why Thomas was so desperate to make a flower crown, though you definitely found it odd. At the same time, it was alluring. You knew how to make perfect flower crowns, which Thomas was aware of since he saw you give one to Chuck. Ever since he had, he had been asking for you to teach him. While you did want to, you had only been able to do so about seven times now, though he was luckily a fast learner. The Maze was being off which meant it needed more attention, which seemed to zap him of energy. He had literally almost fallen asleep in the shower after one run so it was pretty serious.

Still, he was determined to learn, no matter what.

"Thomas, calm down. You need to be looking for details,"Minho instructed as he was basically sprinting out of the Maze. Holding in a groan, he reluctantly did as he was told.

Minho couldn't help but sigh and shake his head. You were literally blind to Thomas's feelings, and he still wouldn't give up. It was quite pathetic in his opinion.

Still, there was nothing he could actually do about his lovesick friend.

Thomas obviously wanted to rush out, but he kept listening to Minho until he was in the very last hall of the Maze before the entrance. That's when he bolted out and to the showers before anybody could catch him.

You watched before slightly laughing at yourself at his eagerness.

"Wonder what his deal is,"Zart remarked. You just shrugged as you got back to planting the vegetables.

Minho listened to Thomas whistle to himself from the other shower. Knowing how bad Thomas has it kind of made him want to bang his head against a wall.

Thomas didn't even notice his whistling. He was too distracted being as quick as possible so he could go get your help perfecting the craft.

The second he was no longer covered in sweat and smelled decent he dried as quickly as possible before throwing on some plain clothes. He brushed out the wrinkles in his shirt before running out the door. Strolling past everybody, he looked around before spotting you near the back of the gardens. With a grin finding its way to his face, he headed over to you.

"Hey, Thomas,"You greeted, returning his smile. Feeling his heart racing out of his chest, he waved while standing there. "How was the Maze today?"

"The same as yesterday,"He answered, giving a halfhearted shrug.

"Well, that's a downer. There's always tomorrow though."

"How are the gardens?"

"The same as every day."

"Have you planted any flowers?"He asked slowly, hinting at the plan.

"Nope, but there's still plenty left, though Zart seems to disagree,"You chuckled.

"Oh. Well, that sucks,"He mumbled.

"It is what it is. Besides, you catch on pretty quick so it's clearly not going to waste,"You pointed out

"Yeah. I guess so,"He shrugged, silently praying his face wasn't turning red at the compliment.

"So should we get star-"
"Yes,"He answered with so much energy it was almost as though he was bouncing on his toes. You couldn't help but laugh a little at his enthusiasm, but it was still nice to know he was paying attention to the lessons.

From a few feet away, Minho shook his head as he watched his lovesick best friend try to get a date.

Hopefully, Thomas won't be a complete disaster around you. He wasn't sure he could handle another day of him yapping about it for an entire run.

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