Puppy (Platonic Ivy Trio)

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The Scorch was excruciating for everyone. There seemed to be no good in the world. After Winston died that feeling has only intensified. All the death and destruction was bringing hopelessness amongst the group.

That's why when Minho and Thomas found a dog in the Scorch they got the same idea.

"Hey buddy. You wanna come on a mission with us?"Thomas asked, patting the ground. The scrawny thing just glanced at them before lazily laying on the ground.

"Come on. Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?"He repeated, waiting for it to come to him. It just stared blankly.

"Let me try. Here buddy,"Minho called, letting out a whistle. The dog still didn't bother to move. It wasn't that it didn't have the strength. Despite being so scruffy it was a fairly good size with patchy, golden fur and dark, brown eyes. It was a beautiful creature, and it was also rather stubborn as I refused to come to either of them.

"Yeah. That's working really well,"Thomas sighed as kept glancing at the puppy. The roles were reversed as he made puppy eyes at the actual dog. Only Thomas would think that something like that would work.

"What are you two doing?"Newt asked, appearing behind his friends after getting a feeling there were up to no good. When he saw the adorable puppy sunbathing his heart shrieked with a childlike joy. However, his logical mind reminded him that it was a terrible idea.

For once, he decided not to listen to that. A little bit of happiness couldn't hurt them.

"Here buddy. Here boy,"He called, joining his friends in their attempt to get the animal to just give them a chance.

"Come on. Why won't he just be our friend already?"Minho groaned.

"Who are you three trying to make friends with?"You ask, just having a suspicion that all three of them disappearing meant something idiotic or dangerous was happening. Then, you spotted the creature and realized what they were trying to do.

"No,"You said firmly.

"It's fine. Who's a good dog? Who's a good boy?"Thomas repeated as if it were a magical spell.

"It is not fine. A dog means less supplies for us. If it's been out here for this long it'll be fine anyways,"You shrugged, not fully believing the last part but wanting your friends to stop messing with the animal. Especially, since you have no clue of its personality. If it's loud and energetic it could very well get one of you severely hurt. That was not a chance you could risk taking.

"But Y/N. It's so cute,"Thomas pointed out, not understanding the point of why you couldn't just take a random dog with you.

"Doesn't matter,"You argued, staring right at him.

"Look at the puppy. I know you'll want to keep it if you look at you,"Minho taunts.

"I am not looking at the dog,"You repeat.

"But it'll bring us some happiness out here,"Newt points out. You figured he'd at least see reason, but the adorable animal had him under its spell.

"We are leaving right now,"You sigh. The boys all look at each other and accept their bitter defeat.

As they stand up and you are already making your way to the ground the animal jumps up and sprints past the boys and towards you. You try to pretend it's not even there until it lets out a playful bark. You give in and look to see it wagging its tail and bouncing on its hind legs.

"Aww. You're so cute,"You exclaim, kneeling down to pet it. It flops on its back as you rub its belly.

"So we can keep him?"Thomas begs.

"No. It's a girl actually,"You state as you pat her head. "And she's mine. Isn't that right? Who's a good girl?"You asked in your best baby voice.

"You're lucky she's going with us at all. Come on girl. You want to meet the others? Yes you do. Of course you do,"You coo, scratching her ears. As you stand up and walk away she follows you with no hesitation.

"I think it worked,"Minho questions.

"I mean kind of,"Thomas agrees.

"Yeah. Besides, she won't say it's her dog forever,"Newt tries to convince them and himself.

How wrong that was. You don't choose puppies. Puppies choose you, and this one made it quite clear who her favorite person is.

But they did have a dog with them so that's kind of a happy ending. Maybe not the one they planned for, but hey. Life works in mysterious ways, and so do adorable animals.

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