Different Sides (Minho)

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The Glade was split on what to do. Half of us thought we should trust Thomas and try to get out. The other half thought Greenie was insane and didn't know a single thing about being here.

Minho was on the side of trusting Greenie. I was on the side that he was out of his shucking mind.

"Oh come on Newt. One night in the pit, you really think that's going to stop him from going in the maze again?"Gally pointed out.

"No, and we can't just have non-runners go into the maze whenever they feel like it,"He shrugged.

"Then, punish him harsher. If we let one person slide soon there will be no order here,"I spoke up.

"Exactly. See? She gets it,"Gally said, seeming relieved I agreed and irritated nobody else was on our side.

"Hold on. I was going to say that starting tomorrow Thomas is a Runner,"He finished.

"Excuse me? Is this some kind of joke?"I asked, dumbfounded why anyone thought this was okay.

"No, no, no, no. Let's reward him for breaking our rules. That won't lead to a rebellion at all,"Gally added, throwing his arms in the air out of frustration. I was right there with him. In three seconds I was going to pull my hair out.

"Like it or not Thomas found a clue, and-"
"No. We don't like it. Listen. The Glade isn't perfect, but it gives us everything we need to survive. The walls protect us. We have food and water. We get supplies. We've built a life here. For all we know these walls could be saving our lives. We need to take advantage of that,"I ranted.

"Y/N, we have spent years trying to escape this place. We have the chance, and you want to stay behind because you're scared of what's out there,"Minho asked.

"It's not just that. Something worse could be waiting for us. We know what's going to happen here. We're safe. Why would we want to leave?"I asked.

"Maybe because we're trapped behind these walls all day? I'm not sure if you've noticed, but we've kind of been stuck here our entire lives,"He shot back.

"I've noticed, but I'm fine with it. What I'm not fine with is the way you are all too blind to see that something is up with Greenie. He's out of his shucking mind. He was too fearless when he ran out there. He knows something,"I snapped, turning around and pointing at him. He looked lost as to what was going on. That'll sure be helpful in a maze.

"Yeah. I'm talking about you. You're up to something. You've just come up and screwed everything up. We were all doing fine before you came along,"I scowled.

"Let's take a minute, and calm down,"Newt tried to direct, but by now chaos was innetevable.

"If anybody else would have done that nobody would have hesitated to throw them in the pit. Now we're having and entire debate about it,"Gally pointed out.

"It's different so everyone-"
"No! I will not calm down!"I yelled.

"Screaming isn't going to help us,"He calmly stated.

"Why is nobody listening? We have lived here for years. He hasn't. We know what this place has. Come on guys. The bonfires at Greenie nights, the times it rains, the way we're always adding to it. Does that mean nothing?"I listed. There as still silence.

"Come on. Just think about it. Why would we want to risk our lives because of some stranger. He just showed up, and we're all we know. Doesn't that mean anything?"I pleaded.

"We can have more out there in the world,"Minho tried to convince me.

"They're not on our side Y/N. They're never going to be,"Gally interrupted. Deep down I knew he was right. "If you guys want to keep throwing the Greenie a parade that's fine, but we don't want any part of it,"He added before storming out.

"Doesn't the Glade mean anything to you guys? Isn't the fact that this is our home reason enough to stay where we are?"I repeated. The dead silence told me everything I needed to know.

"Fine. If you guys want to take a strangers side over ours then I am done with you. That especially means you,"I scowled, glaring at Minho. His expression was as cold as before.

Leaving them with that final message I left too. It's clear we weren't meant to stick together. There are two options. Stay loyal to the Glade or try and escape. So it wasn't just dramatics in there, and I truly meant my words.

Minho chose his side, and I chose mine. They were just different ones.

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