Assumptions-Part 2 (Thomas Brodie-Sangster)

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People aren't exactly subtle about believing that I'm a terrible person. If they are it doesn't matter. I can read people so well it's practically a curse.

That's why I couldn't help but be surprised when Thomas genuinely seemed to like me. So surprised I almost doubted him.

"Can I ask you something?"He asked as I dipped a fry in my frostie. We ended up settling on eating Wendy's near a curb at three in the morning. Not exactly convenient but a good way to avoid cameras. Plus, the sky looked nice tonight.

"You just did,"I pointed out.

"Can I ask two more then?"He questioned.
"If you'd like,"I shrugged.

"Why do people say you're a bad person when you're not?"

There it was. The million dollar question.

"My voice,"I shrugged, it sounding the way it always does.
"Your voice?"He asked, seeming confused.

"Don't pretend you don't notice. It's so monotone that everything I say sounds insensitive. I have to force it to sound normal on camera or in public. Unfortunately, I don't like doing that when I don't have to. That just happens to include cast mates,"I explained, acting like that didn't bother me.

It does though. Much more than people understand. People can't even tell me serious news because it sounds like I'm bored and makes things worse. It's easier to just pretend there's nothing wrong with me.

"That's not your fault. You can't control how you sound,"He pointed out.

"Sure I can. Remember? I faked it for hours while filming. It hurts when I do that though so I stop when it's over."

"Hurts? What do you mean?"He asked, way to invested in this.

"Just that. My throat gets sore. There's nothing I can do to prevent that just like there's nothing I can do to fix it,"I admitted.
"Fix it?"
"Yeah. I've looked at every option you can think of. Surgery wouldn't do anything for me, I can't train it, getting sick makes it worse, wearing it out is usesless. I'm running low on ideas,"I listed.

I looked back at the ground as I took another sip of my frostie. This conversation was kind of wearing me out, but at the same time I hadn't really had it before. People just make their assumptions and move on.

"Then, don't,"He spoke up.
"What?"I asked.
"Don't try changing it. That's more trouble than it's worth,"He tried to suggest. I subconsciously scrunched my nose at his statement, something I did when I was nervous. Why exactly did I feel nervous? I'm not sure.

"It's something nobody else has. At least, that most people have met or that I know of. It's just something that makes you special."
"Thomas, special is a fancy way of saying different,"I sighed, reaching for another fry.

"You're good at reading people, right?"He suddenly inquired.
"Yeah. Why?"I asked skeptically.
"Look at me, and tell me if I'm being genuine. If you don't think I am I'll drop it,"He promised.

I sighed but nevertheless looked over at him.

"Your voice is just something special about you,"He repeated, his eyes pleading for me to believe him. He was looking straight at me just the right way. My heart seemed to flutter. I told it to stop, but that did nothing.

"It's special,"He said again, waiting for my answer.

"You're seriously not lying,"I whispered, scared to raise my voice. He smiled at me and nodded.

"Of course not,"He shrugged.

I looked at the ground so he wouldn't see my blushing before reaching for the bag. As I did our hands touched. I pulled back and set them on the concrete.

He hesitated before moving his just a little bit closer. I interlocked both our pinkies like you would when making a promise but not quite. More like a small way of holding hands. It just happened to be more subtle.

"Your voice kind of made me interested in you, knowing you,"He said quickly, clearly lying about the last part.

Without a word I leaned over and kissed his cheek. He seemed to completely freeze before wearing a bright grin.

Yeah. I believe his words the same way I believe he likes me. It's a good thing to because I like him just as much. Maybe even more.

I looked back over at him. His eyes seemed to glisten with happiness.

You know what? Maybe we're even when it comes to that.

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