Good For Her (Brenda)

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I know that Jorge sees Brenda as his little girl. At the end of the day he is truly her dad because he chose to be. I may not be a parent, or even have one anymore thanks to the Scorch, but it's clearly a difficult yet fulfilling role. So I understand why he would be protective of her even if it comes to dating while we live in an absolute hell.

That's why we didn't know how to tell him we were together. We just didn't know how he'd react. It wasn't because I was a girl, but he was clearly protective of her. There's no knowing how he'd react to the news.

Despite being together for half a year we were just as lost as we had been on our first date. Now we're laying next to each other under the stars as we keep trying to come up with any plan.

"He's not dumb Y/N. He's going to realize we're always gone together,"She pointed out.

"I know,"I sighed.

"Then, why don't we just come out and say it?"

I fiddled with the hem of my sleeves, not knowing how exactly to put it into words. I knew why, but at the same time I didn't know how to explain why my reason was so important to me.

"Just tell me. Sitting here in silence won't help,"She spoke up.

"I don't know. I want him to approve of me as your girlfriend. I want him to think that I'm good enough to deserve you. If he didn't I'd be crushed,"I admitted.

"He loves you though. He's always so happy when you're around. How much could that change?"

"He thinks I'm around as your friend. Not as your girlfriend. There's a difference."

"You're right. There is a difference,"A male voice said. To be more specific it was Jorge.

My heart stopped beating as we looked at him standing in the doorway. His face was impossible to read which wasn't made any better by the dark night sky. I averted my gaze to the ground.

"Brenda, can you go inside for a minute?"He asked.
"How come?"She asked, seeming defensive.
"I'd like to speak to Y/N."

She gently squeezed my shoulder before walking off. I kept my eyes fixated on a rock on the ground. The rock couldn't give me any untrustworthy or hurtful looks. Jorge could.

I heard his footsteps before he took a seat next to me. I subconsciously held my breath in anticipation for what he was going to say.

"It's a nice night, isn't it?"He said after a while. It wasn't what I expected at all. The tone, the casual words, or any of it. So far it was in a good way. I hope.

"Yeah,"I agreed, still nervously playing with my sleeves.
"Do you and Brenda come out here a lot?"
"Yeah,"I mumbled.

"I had a feeling about you two. A parent usually knows."

"You did?"I asked, looking at him. He merely nodded.
"Of course. I had an idea you two at least liked each other about a year ago."

"Really? We've only been together for half of that,"I confessed.

"Why didn't you tell me kiddo?"

While a lot of things weren't expected that question certainly was. So I repeated exactly what I had told Brenda but I far more detail. I admitted just how much his opinion truly meant to me. He didn't interrupt me once as I explained every worry I had. Only when I finished did I glance up at him.

"You're a great kid Y/N. I've known you since you were a little girl still losing her baby teeth. You and Brenda were practically inseparable the day you met. You're more than good for her."

"So, I have your blessing?"I asked hopefully.
"Yeah kiddo. You have my blessing,"He assured me, ruffling my hair. I grinned at the fact that all I had wanted truly came true. He truly thought I was good for her.

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