Hidden Burns (Gally)

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This is a one shot about self harm. Please remember that while reading about it can be a coping mechanism, it can also be self destructive depending on your state of mind. Please proceed with caution and remember that you are loved <3

Escaping the Glade wont differently for everyone. Some people didn't escape at all, some were picked up by people in black suits, one of us shot Chuck after getting stung, and one of us stayed behind after that person got a spear through the chest.

Gally and I are the last two. Apparently, I helped save his life that day.

I don't feel like a hero though. I feel like someone who was forced to make a choice. Mine was to go with my friends or stay with the two dying people.

Except, it was too late. Chuck was already dead.

So now I figured out how to work a lighter. The problem is why I use it. My arms can give you that answer. To be more specific the old and new burns on them can tell you that answer.

The pain I feel when I use I though, is nothing compared to the others, to Chuck's. That little kid died. Maybe if I had figured out what to do quicker, had been more calm, more collected, more clear minded, I could have helped him. I wasn't though.

I hide those feelings well though, just like I hide the burns on my skin.

"Earth to Y/N. Are you there?"Gally asked, snapping me out of my thoughts as he waved a hand in my face.

"Yeah. What'd you need?"I asked, resting my hand on my chin as I looked at him.

"I was asking if you're okay,"He stated, though it sounded more like a question. Not that I let it throw me off.

"I'm great,"I lied, giving a fake grin.

"No you're not,"He confronted, making my heart drop in my chest. Still, I refused to let it show as I played dumb and asked what he was talking about.

"You're not okay,"He repeated. I feigned confusion as he let out a sigh. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a small item and placed it on the table in front of me. As I saw what it was time froze. I thought I had lost it but sitting in front, glistening in all its messed up glory from the overhead lights, was my lighter.

"Where did you find this?"I asked quickly.

"Your room."

"What were you doing in my room?"

"What were you doing with a lighter?"

"It's not mine,"I calmly lied.

"It's not yours?"

"No. It's not."

"So it was just on your dresser in plain sight for the fun of it?"

"It's not mine,"I insisted.

"Why are you lying to me about this? That's so stupid."

"I'm done with this,"I huffed, going to walk away. Before I could he grabbed my wrist, making contact with the fresh burns. I let out a yelp of pain as I pulled my hand away.

"What is on your arm?"He asked after a moment of silence. I still didn't answer as I stared at the ground. "Y/N, what's on your arm?"He slowly repeated. I gave a half hearted shrug as I pretended none of this matters, as I pretended this wasn't pissing me off.

"Show me your arm,"He suddenly demanded.

"Shuck off,"I mumbled, crossing them over my chest.

"Show me your arms,"He said louder. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from screaming at him. So far it was barely working as blood filled my mouth.

"Y/N, if you don't-"

"Fine! You want to see so bad?! Here you go!"I yelled, pulling my sleeves up. His face dropped the second he realized the truth. "You happy?! I'm a wreck! Is that what you wanted to know?!"

"I don't-"

"Because you got it! I'm an absolute mess, a disaster, a freak, and I don't even care anymore! It's fine though! I'm fine! Everything about this is fine, and I don't need anyone's help, and I don't even need you so just leave me alone or-"

Before I could finish my rant he gently pulled me into his chest. I froze as I tried to figure out how to react. In all the years I had known him he had never hugged me before. Ever.

So maybe it was that, maybe it was the way he now knew the darkest part of me, or maybe it was the toll that outburst had, but I cried. Burying my head in his shoulder, I felt hot tears fall from my eyes and onto his shirt as everything around me seemed to fall apart.

"I don't want help,"I quietly admitted.

"Even though you need it,"He whispered.

"Yeah. Even though I need it,"I whispered back as he only held me tighter.

"But you know that it's going to get worse without it."

"I do,"I agreed. "But there's nobody who can give that help."

"I can,"He said firmly.

"But you're not going to like it. You're going to get sick of me, Gally."

"No. I could never get sick if you,"He coaxed, rubbing my back.

Did I completely believe him?


Would I trust him just enough to let him try?


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