Regrets (Sonya)

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I was stupid. I had been dumb and blind and hopelessly in love. I actually thought that we would be something. I thought that Sonya and I could actually be together.

I know. I shouldn't have gone for someone I knew was out of my league. I shouldn't have gone for someone that great. Or anybody at all, but especially her. I shouldn't have been that ridiculous as to believe we would last.

She's her. She's Sonya. She's smart and strong and funny and kind.

And I'm me. The girl who decided she doesn't need anyone. The girl whose face gives away any dislike she has. The girl who should just stay away from people who are too good for her.

She looks pretty still. She always has been. Even more importantly though, she looks happy with her friends. Staying by the fire and talking and smiling.

It doesn't even matter though. I regret ever meeting her. I wish I never ever met her.

I hate them just because. There's no real reason. I'm not jealous or anything. I hated every second with her.

I hate her. I hate her blonde hair that reminds me of sunshine, her soft lips that I can still feel on mine, her warm hands that I held without even thinking, her sweet laugh that put butterflies in my stomach, her gentle voice that soothed something inside of me.

I hate her. I hate her, I hate her, I hate her.

In fact, I hate her so much I'm going to go sit by the shore away from everyone and think about how much I hate her.

"Where are you-"
"I'm leaving,"I snapped, pushing past Gally before he could question me. I just want to be left alone. Why the hell can't everyone leave me alone?

With a scowl that I couldn't seem to erase, I walked past the grass and to the sand. Not bothering to even think about where I would end up, I started walking. I don't need a destination just like I don't need anyone.

I don't need her, I don't need her, I don't need her.

I don't, I don't, I don't.

The moon doesn't remind me of her. It doesn't, it doesn't, it doesn't.

There's no memories about the moon with her. That would be ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous.

~ ~ ~

"It's nice out, isn't it?"She whispered, gazing up at the sky.

"Nothing but the moon is out,"I pointed out, looking over at her. With her hair in its usual braid to the side, I could make out her features in the dim light. The little bit of hazel in her eyes, the small smile on her lips, and the light pink on her cheeks. It was as if her beauty on the inside always came out, showing up as a reward for her kind soul.

"Why does something besides the moon need to be out to be beautiful? Why does it need stars? Or clouds?"

"That's just always what people look at when they talk about the night sky."

"No. That's what the majority of people talk about. Some people like the other things life holds,"She corrected. She was always doing it that. Sort of. She made me think about things in a different light, showing me a world I didn't know could exist, bringing me to secret gardens in her head.

"Life still doesn't seem to hold much sometimes,"I shrugged.

"Wow. I can always count on you to be an optimist, can't I?"

"That's just you. In your eyes, the glass is usually half full."

"No. It's just that when we do get something good, we need to appreciate it. We need to hold on to it."

"There's still something good to hold on to?"I asked, looking right at it. Right at the one thing that ever made my glass more than empty.

At the girl who could make me smile just by being there.

At Sonya.

"Yeah. There is,"She smiled, taking my hand in hers. Leaning my head against her shoulder, I closed my eyes as I felt the kind of peace and happiness I know I can only ever have with her.

~ ~ ~

It doesn't remind me of her, it doesn't remind me of her, it doesn't remind me of Sonya!

But it does. It really, really does. Every good thing to exist does.

And yet, just like here, I can't have them. I can never have the moon or all the sand or the water or the trees. Those were all impossible to reach, some even impossible to touch.

And even though she's right there, so is she.

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