How Girl's Work (Platonic Ivy Trio)

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It didn't seem important to hide them. I'm a girl so I'll sometimes need pads. They're all guys and have no idea what they are. I keep them in a box under one of the medical beds.

Nobody cares to ask. It's a clear box with some light, mysterious, square things inside, with my name written on plain ducktape.

I honestly should have known better. Thomas loves asking questions. From the day he arrived he was curious about absolutely everything.

"What's the box for?"He asked, pointing at it.

"I've always wondered that too,"Minho admitted from the other bed.

"Can't say it didn't catch my eye at first,"Newt shrugged.

"I knew letting you guys be here on your days off would end up being a mistake,"I sighed.

"We're helpful sometimes,"Thomas defended.

"Yes, but you you're also you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"Minho asked quickly.

"Whenever you go, chaos follows."

"Hey, that's usually those two. You leave me out of it,"Newt said firmly.

"The point is, you're all nosy."

"Okay, but what's in the special box?"Thomas repeated, making sure we didn't get off track from the original topic. How kind.

"Pads. They're just for girls."

"Well, that's sexist,"Minho responded with a completely serious voice, raising his eyebrow as if I had offended his ancestors and future children.

"No. It's literally only made for girls to use. At least once a month I have to use a few a day."

"For what?"Thomas interrogated, sitting on the bed. Taking a spot on each side of him, the other two waited for me to answer.

I guess I'm doing this then.

"You know how I sometimes tell you all to just leave me alone for a few days?"

"Yes,"Newt nodded, leaning forward as if he was about to take notes.

"That's because at least once a month I get a period."

Minho nodded in an 'ah, yes' way as if he knew exactly what that was. He did not, but I'm gonna pretend not to notice. It's just easier.

"Like at the end of a sentence?"Thomas asked.

"No. My uterus lining sheds, which means I'll bleed from down there."

"What's the point of that?"Newt asked, his eyebrows furrowed as if he was pulling knowledge about it from the back of his mind.

"It has to do with my eggs."

"You have eggs?"Thomas asked, his face devoid of color as he was doing his best to figure it out. Minho rested his chin on his hands like a great philosopher that knew everything there was to know about women.

"Yes, but they're pretty much microscopic. They're important, because it's how the human population would continue."

"So humans come from eggs?"

"Technically, yes. You guys know about pregnancy?"

"You mean that hellish sounding thing where you have nine months of growing a human?"Newt checked.

"Yes. Periods make sure I have enough to get pregnant and have one of those."

"Why would anyone want one of those?"

"Because some people want to be parents. That and accidents happen."

"So I might have been an accident?"Thomas asked in true horror.

"I couldn't have been an accident. Who wouldn't want me around?"Minho shrugged.

"I wouldn't be surprised if all of us were accidents,"Newt added.

"Well, it's a possibility. If your mom didn't plan to have a baby, then yeah. You were an accident."

"How does the accident happen?"

"We'll save that for another day,"I trailed off.

"I understand this perfectly,"Minho insisted.

"I have more questions though,"Thomas said, putting his hand up.

"I need you to clarify something."

"What would it mean-"
"This is where you shanks are always hiding,"Alby remarked, walking in.

"Only sometimes,"I defended.

"Well, I need to borrow your helpers."

"They're all yours,"I definitely allowed, looking over at them. With heavy sighs, they stood up to follow him. A night in the pit for more girl knowledge was not worth it.

"Make sure not to bleed out the next time you get your period,"Thomas whispered as he passed by me.

"Thanks Thomas. I'll keep that in mind,"I nodded.

"Good luck,"He said, giving me a thumbs up as he followed everyone else out the door.

Yeah. They really do not get it.

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