Blind Jealousy-Part 2 (Newt)

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I woke up to find myself still in Newt's arms. He had his arms wrapped around me as I was cuddled into his neck.

My head hurt. The outburst and confession from last night took a huge toll on me. Even though I had been desperate to get it off of my chest, it didn't feel the way I expected. I was just sort of numb. While some of the weight seemed to be off my shoulders and the self blame had pretty much disappeared, I was still afraid. I don't exactly know what Newt meant by "take care of Greenie".

I trust him. We've been by each other's side for so much, and I could never see one of us just leaving the other. Even if we get mad at each other, we always make up. Whether that means spending some time apart until we're ready to talk about it and come up with a solution, apologizing before it can get to that point, or giving in and holding each other until we go to sleep, we make sure to work it out someway. We love each other way too much to let an argument pull us apart. Besides, we don't even argue enough for it to be worth it. We always make it through any bad time and come out so much stronger when things are absolutely amazing again.

That didn't mean I wasn't worried though. Greenie just got here so we don't know a lot about him. Plus, Newt was so vague last night. There was no telling what he had planned.

"Morning, love,"He yawned, running his fingers down my arm.

"Morning,"I mumbled, rolling over and hugging him, resting my head under his chin again. Letting out a small laugh, he pressed his lips to my forehead.

"You want to get up early and get some breakfast?"He suggested in a deep morning voice.

"No,"I mumbled, closing my eyes.

"You want to stay here?"

"Mhm,"I nodded. Lazily running his hands down my back, he stayed silent but still to let me know that he was just fine with him.

Laying with him, I kept taking deep breaths, inhaling his calming scent of the garden. It wasn't actually the smell itself that was calming. It's the fact that I associate it with him. He's always there. He always knows what I need, even if he panics or misunderstands for a moment. He always figures out what to do. Every problem is something we survive.

Whatever he was going to do, it was going to work out fine. Even though my stomach is still twisting in nervous knots, I'm sure of it.

Time Skip♡

It was insane. It was absolutely unreal. It was something I didn't know he was capable of.

Nobody knew what happened. As far as the story goes, Newt was just talking to Greenie and made a joke about his hair. This apparently set him off so much that he punched him in the eyes, bruising it. It was swollen, and he couldn't even see out of it.

I know that he could have blocked it. He was more than capable of handling himself. He was independent. Even though he loves his friends and me and is usually comfortable asking if he needs a hand, he knows how to look out for himself. He's one of the strongest people here. Sure. Maybe Gally's got more physical strength but Newt's mentality and emotional intelligence is through the roof. He can also take someone in a fight. I've seen him tackle out of control Greenies before.

He wanted proof though. He wanted his story to be as real as possible.

Greenie said a completely different thing. He told everyone that Newt was insulting him, calling him names and telling him he would never fit in here. He said that he was callous and threatened to hurt him.

Nobody believed him. Second-in-command, responsible, fair, brave, kind hearted Newt, being cruel to a confused Greenie? Newt randomly insulting anyone? That's just insane.

You're never supposed to harm another Glader. It's one of the only rules.

There's also an extreme price to pay if you break them.

I watched from a little ways away as the Keepers banished Greenie. They were trapping him in a circle, making it clear he wasn't escaping. Even though Greenie was blue in the face and screaming that Newt's a no good liar who deserves to be murdered, he was ignored. To everyone, it was clear that he was trying to avaid punishment.

I watched as they pushed Greenie behind walls. Even though he was yelling and crying and begging and insulting, everyone tuned him out. They pretended he was nothing more than a Beetle Blade as they forced him behind the Maze walls, where he would never be seen again.

Newt took the knife and crossed Greenie's name off of the wall. He was completely calm and did so without even hesitation. He didn't even give anyone else a chance to do it. He just took the knife and erased Greenie from the Glade, forever.

Everyone walked away to go finish their day. I however, set my now empty bowl down and walked over to him. He was simply humming to himself as he finished off. He didn't smile or show any sign of sadness. He was completely and utterly unbothered.

"Thank you, Newt. That's the sweetest thing anyone's ever done,"I smiled, keeping my voice low.

"No idea what you're talking about, love. Just doing my job,"He shrugged, putting the knife down. Turning to face me, he held my face in his hands as he pressed a slow kissed my temple. Shutting my eyes, I savored the feeling of him being so close. He left a small touch of electricity on every part of my skin he touched. It wasn't a shocking or painful kind though. It was like ecstacy had been injected into my veins.

Pulling away, he threw me a subtle wink as he went to get ready for bed like nothing ever happened. Looking at the ground, I wore the biggest grin as I leaned against the wall.

Yeah. He definitely "took care of Greenie" alright. It was not in any way I could have ever imagined, but it was sure as shuck more than effective.

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