Denial of Feelings-Part 1 (Brenda)

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Our emotions for each other run deep. Brenda and I will always have very, very intense feelings for each. The feelings of tension, annoyance, and disdain. Just her presence is enough to make me roll my eyes.

I don't know why, and I don't think she does either. It's just always seemed to be like this, but ever since Thomas got here, it's gotten a thousand times worse. Something about him just makes our anger for each other entirely destructive.

I watched her cleaning a gun as she talked to him. Every time she looked at him, it was with such softness that I couldn't help but sigh. He obviously wants Teresa, and she's still fawning over him? That's just pathetic at this point. It's been pathetic, but she needs a reality check. Anybody would be better for her by now. Hell, even me.

Not me though. I don't want it to be me, at all.

"Be careful. You sort of have this thing where you can't walk away from people. Even when you should,"She told him.

Ugh, she's one to talk. She's hung up on a guy who saw another girl's face after kissing her. Yet here she is, still not over him. I mean not even I would do that. Granted, I would never kiss her or anything at all, but still.

"You can't save everyone, Thomas."

She says his name so unnecessary gentle. What's it even matter? I don't actually care or anything, but it still drives me crazy. She drives me crazy.

"I can try,"He insisted as he grabbed the weapon. Their hands brushed together, which made me coil back for a moment. Them together makes me want to vomit. They may as well just hold hands and be all in love at this point. Only they aren't. And they never will be.

Thomas walked away, right out to Teresa. Who could have guessed?

"Never took you for a stalker, Y/N."

"That's because I'm not one, Brenda,"I said with just as much emphasis, leaning against the wall. I didn't bother to ask when she just showed up by my spot, just threw feet in front of me.

"You're over here, watching my interactions where you think I won't notice. That's pretty stalkerish behavior."

"I think it's pretty stalkerish that you're going out of your way to be alone with me right now,"I deadpanned, glaring at her. Her arms were crossed over her chest as she narrowed her eyes back at me.

"You know, you've always been cold to me. Always. Ever since Thomas though, you seem so much worse,"She drew out, her eyebrow raised as she looked me up and down.

"Are you implying something?"

"I don't know. Am I?"She whispered, stepping up to meet my face. She was so close that she backed me up completely against the pillar, her mouth barely an inch away from mine.

"Thomas doesn't want you. He never will. Ever,"I promised.

"And you do?

"Don't dance around the accusations. Just say it,"I repeated.

"What exactly am I supposed to say?"

"Playing dumb, again? Probably for him. Is it an act for once or-"
Before I could finish my sentence she took the air away as she crashed her lips against mine. Her hands pressed against my shoulders, pushing me into the pillar more. Her body was so pressed against mine I could hear her racing heart. Or maybe that was mine, beating out of my ears.

I froze for a moment, the shock cascading through me.

As I snapped out of it though, I found myself doing that unthinkable.

Tangling my hands in her hair, I lightly tugged on the growing strands as I found myself kissing back, my eyes shut as I deepened it. She seemed to taste like bitter vanilla and coffee, something I couldn't help but find strangely appealing.

Her lips suddenly moved to my neck, making me shiver as she left marks. My knees threatened to buckle under me in surprise until she suddenly pulled back altogether.

Opening my eyes, I looked at her with my mouth half open in shock as the realization set in, yet again. Her lips were a deep purple from her heated kiss, and her face was a little flushed, though she showed no reaction to it otherwise.

"I don't play dumb for anyone, not even Thomas. No matter how badly your jealousy makes you want to believe that,"She whispered in my ear, tracing her fingertips down my arm before she walked past me, leaving me depending on the pillar to stand from the absolute disbelief of it all.

Of all the things that could happen when it comes to Brenda and I, a heated makeout session is not something that was on the bucket list.

Though, I will admit, she isn't half bad of a kisser.

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