Drunken Idiots (Platonic Ivy Trio)

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Newt is usually very responsible when he drinks. Minho is usually very sour looking. Thomas is usually annoying.

That's not a good combination. On its own, it's a handful. Together? It's an everything full. No, seriously. Just when I figure out one issue, someone else has to bring up another.

Tonight would be no different. I had been aware of that from the beginning and had been internally prepping for it all day. Also, a little bit externally;making sure my hut didn't have anything for them to trip over, that I had enough blankets for some of them to collapse on the floor, and that everything sharp had been hidden away. We don't want another hair cutting incident.

Newt was five drinks in and was already out. He was holding his head in his hands as he grumbled under his breath about all these "buggin' shanks that need to be quiet". I know. How kind.

"You should probably leave then,"I suggested. At my words, he attempted to stand up. Already knowing what would happen, I caught him and hooked his arm around my shoulders as he almost stumbled to the ground.

"Thanks,"He slurred out.

"Yeah. No problem,"I said quietly so I didn't make it worse.

Completely leaning against me, he already seemed to be half dead. That's a good thing though. The sooner he's asleep, the sooner I can check on the other chaos causers.

This is an interesting trio to be a part of. That's for sure.

"My head hurts,"He complained.

"I know. Maybe don't drink so much next time?"

"It was only one,"He insisted, stumbling over his own feet, almost sending us to the ground. Catching him just in time, I forced him upright again. Resting his head on my shoulder, he mumbled something incoherent. Choosing not to hear it, I opened my door with my knee and dragged him through it. Groaning something else I couldn't make out, he was already shutting his eyes.

Pulling him over, I lifted him up and placed him in my hammock. Essentially growing limp, he just stared at my ceiling as I tossed a blanket over him.

"Drink,"I ordered, handing him a bottle of water. Grabbing it from my hands, he started chugging it. When he finished he cuddled it to his chest and kept staring at my roof. "You have to shut you eyes to sleep,"I reminded him. The second he did he turned on his side and just started snoring. Good. One down, two to go.

Walking out, I left my door cracked. Heading back to the dying bonfire, I looked around at the few people up. Gally was glooming in the corner. Fry was just chattering away with a fully sober Chuck. Alby was standing there, making sure nothing got out of hand. Winston was pointing at the slaughterhouse and telling Jeff something. Zart was staring and picking at the grass, leaning over every now and then.

Finally, I found the two sitting on a log. Thomas was giving Minho the best side hug he was capable of as Minho glared at the fact that humans exist.

Deciding one at a time was the best answer, I approached them.

"Hey Thomas,"I greeted.

"Y/N,"He grinned, standing up. Catching him, I held back a sigh as he wrapped his arms around me. Cuddling his face into my neck, he insisted on standing there and hugging me.

"Come on. It's time for bed,"I instructed. Before he could argue, I picked him up bridal style. Letting out a "yay," he put his arms around my neck and rested his face on my shoulder. "I love you,"He slurred out.

"I love you too,"I said back.

"But like a friend. You're my friend."

"You're my friend too,"I echoed as he grabbed onto the back of my shirt to keep himself up. Letting him, I just opened my door with my foot.

Realizing I was about to let him go, he clung to me more.

"No,"He argued.

"I'll be right back,"I assured him.


"No, no, no,"He kept going.

"I'll cuddle with you when I go to sleep?"I bargained.

"Yes,"He agreed, trying to throw himself out of my arms. Before he could, I held him while just dropping his legs. Kneeling down, I laid him on the ground and his head on the pillow. When it was the right spot, I sat him up and handed him a bottle.

"Yay. More drink,"He celebrated.

"Yes. More drink,"I nodded. If feeding his delusions is what gets water in his system, I'll become Fry.

Taking big gulps, when he was done he tried to hold my hand.

"I have to get Minho first,"I explained, putting his head back on the pillow. As I threw a blanket over him he complained about Minho under his breath. Patting his head, I left him to vent to the air as I repeated the process. Walk out, crack the door, walk to Minho. As an added bonus, note that basically everyone else has gone to bed.

"Hey Minho,"I greeted. Scowling at the air, he didn't look my way. Already expecting that, I took a seat beside him. "Newt's already out. You know how he is,"I started, planting that little seed in his head.

As he glanced at me, I knew it was working. Keeping my face neutral, I shrugged as I added something about him always being tired. While it wasn't at all true, he wasn't exactly in a state to think completely rationally. He was too busy hating everyone.

"I think I'm gonna head to bed too. What about you?"

Standing up, he answered for me as he just passed out. Catching him, I groaned at how much heavier he was than the other two. "Why do you have to be a Runner?"I complained, dragging him by his shoulders.

"Dunno,"He slurred. So he's not unconscious. Just a pain in my ass.

Giving a weak kick to my door, I opened it. Dragging him closest to Newt and furthest from Thomas, I laid him on the ground. Letting out a thankful sigh, I threw a blanket over him too.

"Minho?"Thomas asked excitedly as if he wasn't talking about how much he sucks less than ten minutes ago.

"No,"He said simply.

"Yes you are,"He insisted.

"Leave me alone,"He groaned.

"All of you shut up,"Newt jumped in.

"Newt? Hi Newt."

"It's time for bed, Thomas,"I told him. Before he could argue, I curled between him and Minho. Instantly laying on top of me, he was more than content invading my personal space.

"Minho?"He asked, trying to reach for him.

"Leave me alone."


"It's time for bed,"I hushed. Nodding his head, he then was knocked out as if he hadn't been the most obnoxious thing. Figuring this was probably the best outcome, I resisted the urge to roll my eyes as he pretty much strangled me with a hug. In the meantime, the other two were out and snoring.

Yay. I just love my idiot friends.

"Thank you, Y/N,"Thomas mumbled. Patting his head, I hugged him back to tell him he was welcome.

Yeah. I do love my idiot friends.

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