Together-Part 2 (Brenda)

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Standing at the door of some weird club, we all glanced between each other as the guy held out the admission fee. A bottle of some strange looking and smelling concoction.

"Why do we need this to get in?"I asked.

"Don't worry about it. Do you want in or not?"

"We do, but this is just weird. Can't we just go in without having to drink this mystery stuff?"I suggested.

"Everyone has to pay the price,"He said with a smug grin that sent chills down my spine. There was just something about him in general that made me uneasy. Even if he wasn't technically forcing us to drink this concoction I would probably still be avoiding him at all costs. He just had so many red flags, and we didn't even know his name.

"This is our only chance,"Brenda reminded us, accepting the bottle. Taking a large sip, she then made a face when she passed it to Thomas who did the exact same before giving it to me.

Calling this ridiculous in my head but knowing that there was no other option, I started drinking, feeling an instant burn in my throat. There was an unnatural amount of flavors, so many that I couldn't even name one. My entire mouth was on fire as it consumed my taste buds until they could be gone and I wouldn't even notice.

Putting it down, I resisted the urge to cough as I handed it to the lady next to me.

"Great. Come in, come in, and enjoy the party,"the guy urged in a way that only made the alarm bells louder. As he pushed us inside of the club though, I knew that it was too late to turn back.

"We need to split up. We'll find him quicker,"Brenda recommended.

"How will we find each other again?"I pointed out.

"We just will, but we have to go. We're running out of time,"She reasoned. Glancing at Thomas, we both nodded before going in different directions.

Squeezing through the crowd of bodies, I wondered how anyone could be into whatever this is. Well, I mean, disturbing is one word for it. With the bright and sparkly yet gloomy outfits and makeup, these people looked like they were losing themselves. If they're here on their own free will though, they must be. That, or they had lost all hope. Not that either of those were ideal.

Squinting my eyes, I attempted to get the glitter out of them only to feel nothing there. Bumping into people, I tried to figure out what was going on as pretty colors blurred my vision. Even the music seemed to be something that wasn't real.

With my breathing getting heavy, I kept forcing my mind to discover what was happening. Still stumbling through all the partiers, I ended up falling to the floor. Getting on my knees, I took a moment as I tried to figure out how to stand. Then, seeing as I was surrounded by all these arms that reminded me of vines for some reason, I used them to pull myself up, leaning against someone as I tried to recall why I was even here.

Still looking through these people, I saw two familiar faces in the middle of these place. My Brenda and that new guy.

As I was about to call to her she had her arms around his shoulders before they crashed their lips together. It was like a car accident was taking place right in front of me as I tried to look away but couldn't figure out how.


She's supposed to be kissing me.

New guy stole my girl. I mean she wasn't my girl, but she's still my girl, you know?

My girl, my girl, my girl. That's my girl. That should be my girl.

Glaring at them with everything I had, as I went to stumble towards them I found myself lying on the floor. This time though, I didn't know how to get up.

♡ Time Skip♡

Seeing light shine through my eyelids, I swore that I was dead until I felt a hand rubbing circles on my shoulder. Forcing my eyes open, I looked at the sun beaming with all its might. Then, I looked at Brenda who had my head in her lap.

Then, I glanced at Thomas and gained the appetite for murder and the urge to cry.

"Hey,"She greeted, pulling me back to her.

"Hi,"I whispered, not looking her in the eye as I felt shame flow through my very blood. Brenda did nothing wrong. Thomas did nothing wrong. Brenda isn't my girl, and if they have feelings for each other there's nothing that I can do about it.

"You okay?"

"Yeah,"I lied. "Where am I?"I added, sitting up to see that I was in the back of a car with just us three.

"We're going to Right Arm,"She answered.

"Oh. That's nice,"I mumbled.

"I thought that you'd be more excited. You've been talking about this for months."

"I am excited."

Just mad that I didn't kiss you before Thomas did.

"Oh,"She muttered, letting me know that I had just said my not at all platonic thoughts aloud. Staring at the seat of the car, I felt my face heat up. "You saw that?"She asked slowly.

"Yeah. I did."

"But you didn't hear anything, did you?"

"Why would I want to?"

"Because,"She started, placing her hand on my cheek and turning me so that I was facing her, "you would have heard me point out that he wasn't who I was supposed to be kissing. Because he isn't you."

"Oh,"was all I got out as she stared at me.

"So if you're not too mad, would you kiss me now?"

Not having the ability to speak, I just pressed my lips against hers to silently say yes. Putting her arms around my shoulders, she lightly kissed back, smiling against my lips as she did. Just like that, nobody and nothing else was real. The world was only us because we are all we need. We always have been, and I swear that she was telling me all this from the way she fit me so perfectly, as if we were actually made for each other.

I wish that I never had to breathe. I wish that I never had to pull away and break our moment.

But I do, so against my will, I did.

"So you're my girl now?"She asked in a way that said she already knew the answer but wanted to hear it out loud.

"Yes. I am,"I promised anyway.

Because I had waited so long to say it.

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