Good Distractions (Chuck)

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"So what do I do?"I asked Clint.

"We just wait for one of the shanks to hurt themselves. Sometimes this place is filled to the brim, and sometimes we're lucky if someone gets a paper cut,"He explained.

"Oh. Okay,"I nodded, accepting his answer. While I didn't like the thought of doing, it was better than sitting around all day. I just hope today won't be one of them or my Greenie training will never end.

♡ Time Skip♡

As I ended up organizing the supplies later in the day someone stumbled in. I looked up to see a little boy with a gash in his arm and tears in his eyes.

"What happened to you, Chuck?"Jeff asked. He just slightly shook his head.

"Maybe I can help?"I suggested.

"Uh, you sure?"He asked.

"Yeah. I am. Come on buddy. Sit,"I directed. He did so as more blood poured from the wound. I pulled up his sleeve to see a deep cut. While nothing looked broken, it was definitely bad. Especially, for a kid his age meaning I had to find some way to be extra gentle with him. "Look away for a moment,"I gently requested. He whimpered but did so as I pulled out the rag.

"So Chuck, how long have you been here?"I asked, in hopes of pulling his mind away from the wound.

"Two weeks,"He answered.

"And what do you think? Do you like it here?"I asked.

"Sometimes,"He admitted.

"Do you have any friends?"I continued.

"Yeah. Newt's always nice to me, and Minho is too. He's always in the Maze though,"He explained as I threaded the needle.

"So he's a Runner?"I clarified.

"Yeah. I don't know how,"He admitted.

"Neither do I. After all, it takes a lot of talent. I take it you wouldn't want that job?"I asked, cutting the final part of the thread.


"Then, why don't you get back to your job?"I suggested. He was confused until he saw the stitches.

"Woah. That was fast. How'd you do that?"He asked as a smile formed in his sweet little face.

"Magic. Now I'll see you later, Chuck."

He nodded before leaving. I turned around to see Clint staring at me.

"You don't even have a choice here. Y/N, welcome to the Med-hut."

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