Ch. 6: Reach Out, Touch Faith

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I carry Rusty into the zoo, where multiple zookeepers, even the owner cheered and clapped for my delivery. 

I give Rusty one last look at his newly fixed and cleaned enclosure. 

He wants to jump in, or so I think.

He looks at the water, then looks at me, then sniffles, then grunts, then squirms his way out of my arms. 

It's probably for the best, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't ever come back to see him. 

The owner literally said nothing, nothing at all, she was a little old lady who came up to me and shook my hand.

Y/N: Your welcome, your welcome... just doing my job. 

It was dark outside by the time we found the little guy, so there was no other fame to be had, until...


I lean against my apartment door after I go through a morning routine. 

I figure I might call Jinx and get that shit all settled, without permission from Cait, but she doesn't need to know. 

She has my number, but I can just scroll through my history for hers. 

I didn't add her to my contacts because, well, back then she was just a criminal. 

She still is, but now she serves a purpose, helping officers whenever they unfortunately take the trip down to Zaun. 

Camille said she'd see what she'd do, trying to pull some strings to get Violet out of jail, more like inmate five-one-six or whatever...

The key right now is making sure Graves makes it to trial AND that any of his Saul Goodman like lawyers don't make it there. 

It's dirty, yes, I know, but this would be one less culprit the whole WORLD will have to deal with! 

I take out my phone, dialing up Jinx's number in my phone. 

Pick up you fucking clown... 

Jinx: Hello! 

Y/N: Hello, Jinx? Yeah, need something. 

Jinx: Just kidding I'm not here right now! Leave a-

Y/N: You want to see your sister or not? 

Jinx: YES!!!

Y/N: Then you need to help me with this one thing! You're a professional, right? 

Jinx: Yeah...

Y/N: Can you find and deal with any lawyers that Graves might call? Do you know any of his lawyers? 

Jinx: Well, I got some lawyers, I could just pay them off if they think about taking his case. 

Y/N: Perfect, any exteriors, you know, connections he could have. 

Jinx: I don't know the fucking guy! Alright! I could have him killed if that's what you want! 

Y/N: No, he needs to rot, find his lawyers, make sure you find some people that can get him the worst state-provided lawyer they can find. 

Jinx: I'll take a look around... but you owe me! 

Y/N: I don't owe you shit, what I bring to your table is far better than what you bring to me.

Jinx: Bullshit! *Cackle!*

Y/N: I keep you out of a jail cell thanks to my friendship with Cait, and I'm trying to get your sister out as we speak. 

Jinx: Fair point...

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