Ch. 26: Kunai Through the Heart

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Y/N: So, align your feet, like so.

I stagger my footing, holding the MK15 out while she watches me.

Y/N: This isn't some movie from the seventies, so we have to get real with our stance.

Akali: Oh, almost like a throwing stance!

Y/N: Except the thing you're throwing is going terminal. Now, there are multiple ways of standing, you just gotta find one that works well for you. Personally, I've been taught this one. Alright, FIRING!!!


I change it to full auto.


With some rounds still left over, I bring my target back and hold out the rifle towards Akali.

Akali: Shouldn't I start with... well... something smaller?

Y/N: What did you start with when you did your training? And this is fairly small!

Akali: I started with a big wooden stick...

Y/N: Well, this is your... small, carbon and steel stick.

She reluctantly takes the gun, then puts her back against me. She adjusts her footing, so it matches mine, then I take a good look at her stance, it's solid.

I gently kick her one boot, making her step just a little forward. What I don't expect is her rubbing herself up against me.

Akali: Just show me...

Y/N: Got it... heh...

She starts rubbing up against my one leg, letting me position her how I want her.

Y/N: Oh, like that?

Akali: Don't get any weird ideas... so what if I'm a little more hands-on?

Y/N: Oh, that's how I learned too.

Akali: Y/N... I have a loaded gun in my hands.

She looks back up at me, staring me down with those brown eyes as I place my hands on her hips.

Y/N: I have a loaded gun in my-uhhh... never mind, move just a little bit...

Akali: You're such a perv...

Y/N: No, you are, I'm trying to get you a cleaner shot, you're trying to grind on me at a shooting range.

Akali: NUH-UH!

Y/N: Then stop arching your back and moving around in a circle then, Miss "Nuh-uh"!

She snickers, then gets in a proper stance, then I can finally press the target button. This button makes targets pop down from the ceiling, and when you shoot them, they pop up and another one drops.

This is perfect practice for a warrior like her... with her perfect hand-eye coordination.


Akali: Fuck.


Akali: Fuck.

*BANG!* Akali: Fuck, *BANG!* Akali: Fuck!

Y/N: Here, here, aim a little higher...


Y/N: Good shot!

She starts giggling, absolutely proud of herself and it's kind of adorable. Then... it gets scary... this is why I'm never letting her and Jinx meet.


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