Ch. 50: The Endgame

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I park in the emergency parking lot of the hospital, where a security guy stops me before I go in. 

Security: HEY!!! You can't park here, bud-

Y/N: Y/N L/N, private investigator of the PPD!

I flash my badge and he immediately shuts up, standing beside to let me walk right through the doors. I head to the nurse's station. 

Y/N: PPD, where's Chief Camille? 

Nurse: Right this way, officer. 

The nurse sits up and walks me right to the bed she was laying at, pulling the curtain. I see an old but spry woman, with crazy swept back white hair, with... no... legs... ouch. The newfound scars on her face too...

Camille: Ugh... f-fuck... and now you come back, detective? 

Y/N: Heh... yep. I was on vacation.

Camille: You should've stayed, honestly... *grunt* 

I help her sit up, then put her leg stubs back in the loops that were holding them up. 

Y/N: So, cripped up, huh? 

Camille: Even more crabby now, thanks to that fucking BITCH!!!

Y/N: Who, Kalista? 

Camille: Who do you think?! No, Cait, because I saved her life, no, definitely that Kalista wench. 

She grabs onto me, looking at me in the eyes with craze.

Camille: You find that woman... you put her in the ground... DO YOU HEAR ME?!

Y/N: We can't do that. We just... we can't...

Camille: Oh, but it seems like you got a certain band group to convince you otherwise, I've known you long enough to see that look in your eye...

Y/N: My parents are gone, I buried my dad with my old high school friend in Freljord, that vacation was depressing, but this is just making it worse... 

Camille: Sounds to me like you got nothing to lose...

Y/N: Less about me, how's the legs? What are their plans? 

Camille: Jaytech is evolving their cybernetics, they've made breakthroughs. 

Y/N: You're getting robo-legs? What happened to the Camille I once knew? 

Camille: Sorry, but I don't think my thoughts can make me walk again, I sort of... need legs for that, boy. And no, they won't be like prosthetics, they'll be like... weapons, advanced technology that he tested in the field and feels they're ready for police work. 

Y/N: Just don't let the robot parts control you, he talked about that over a burger one time, that's one of the issues. 

Camille: I brought that up, but apparently that isn't an issue anymore, and he's got evidence to back his theory. Viktor and Jayce nearly killed each other again...

Y/N: Say what now? 

Camille: Did you read the news at all? 

Y/N: No, no cell signal. 

Camille swipes my phone out of my pocket. 


Camille: Relax! Here.

She puts an article on the screen, says that Viktor and Jayce fought again, and it ended with them becoming allies and friends once again, also exposing Darius for his crimes. Huh...

Y/N: Seems like they had a movie of their own...

Camille: Seems that way. 

Y/N: Let's just hope he doesn't remember the little people. 

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