Ch. 21: Laying Low

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We get out of the car at the zoo, where Ahri is really down in the dumps. 

Ahri: I don't see how a zoo trip is going to help me... what, you going to introduce me to some foxes? Sorry Y/N, I just went through a break-up with my dream-bae, and also, he now knows everything about me, my nastiest secrets! 

Y/N: Well, where he's going, he won't have anyone to tell, and after the treatment, he should forget by then. 

Ahri: Huh... alright... well, sorry if I'm a little pissy.

Y/N: You can be as pissy as you want. Last night I sure was. Let's go see that friend. 

When we go inside, nobody is watching his enclosure, and nobody should, because this little badass is strong enough to maul the side of Graves' face. It's Rusty, if it wasn't obvious. When we come up to the rail, he pops out of the water. 

Rusty: Eck... *Otter noises* 

He leaps up to the side of his fence.

Ahri: To see Rusty, really? 

Y/N: Hey, he's a celebrity just like you! He's adorable. Hey Rusty! 

I lean down and hold my hand down into the water, he drops off the one rock and swims over to my arm, nuzzling my hand and his expression immediately changes. 


He's awfully excited... he licks my hand and starts crawling up the side of the enclosure, up to the fence like a damn monkey. 

Y/N: Go ahead, pet him! Rusty, this is Ahri, and she's had a bad day, how about you cheer her up!

Rusty: Eck... *grumbling* Mmmm...

He sniffs Ahri's hand, squinting at her next, then smirks. 

Ahri: H-hi Rusty... ehehe... 

I see that frown turn into a smirk, then the giggle nearly paralyzes me, Ahri is just... like... so cute. I avoid her tails as they start to wag, Rusty ducking back into the water to do something cool. 

Rusty zooms around his enclosure, faster than sound, gathering up enough momentum to shoot up from the water right in front of us. 


Ahri and Y/N: Woah...

Rusty knows what's up, he's a very talented little otter, and a ruthless beast when provoked. 

Y/N: He's so talented, isn't he? That's why he's one of their biggest attractions on the weekends. 

Ahri: Is he treated okay? 

Y/N: I think he is now, especially since he knows who cares about him the most. 

Ahri: You? 

Y/N: I wouldn't say me... but I did save this boy from getting shipped to Shurima!

Ahri: You are some hero, you know that? 

Y/N: Yeah... I try to be. 

Ahri scooches over a little bit next to me, then plops down on the bench. I look behind me and see her tails wagging, then she taps on the other side of the bench. Together, we sit, and watch Rusty put on a show for us. 

As much I'd love to take Rusty home, I can't raise an otter, and I don't think the zoo would want me to take him. But... him and I both respect that decision, like an unexpected friendship. I need to see this little guy more often. I wonder if he likes Bao... 


We watched him goof around all day, he even gave Ahri a ball, and they got to play catch with each other. 

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