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I connected my headset and started up the game.

Shooting games were never my cup of tea, as my coordination when aiming at others was usually frantic and all over the place.

I think the best kill streak I've got is 3, and that was all bots.

The only reason I play this game though, is because I quite frankly am fucking bored.

Since moving to Korea, I haven't really made friends, so playing randoms was a nice way to speak with people without the pressure of actually needing to be 'real' friends.

Everyone is always really friendly as well, as soon as they hear I'm English they try putting on their best Queens English accent, and take the piss out of scones and tea.

I have quite a dark sense of humour and was often playing with people who were similar. Despite the language barrier we still had a laugh.

"Annyeonghaseo" A male voice echos in my ears as the plane takes off.

"Annyeong, where do you want to land?" I respond. I try to put it out there almost immediately that I'm not fluent, just to avoid any awkward moments.

"Uh.. The school?" He hesitates.

"Okie dokie. I'm Y/N by the way." I chirp back.

"Okie dokie." He mimicks with a chuckle.

"Are you British?" He enthusiastically squeaks.

"Oh! Sorry! My name is Peter." He rushed.

"Hi, Peter. Yes I'm from the UK." I giggle back.

"That's lovely! I've been to Britain a few times. I really like it there." Peter added, emphasising his accent.

"Ah fuck, I'm knocked." I cry out in frustration.

"I'll come to you." 

"There's another two teams coming in a car!" I panic.

"AH Haha! That's how it's done!" Peter excitedly exclaims.

He just wiped them out, and managed to revive me. He's incredible at this game..

We work together, while the zone closes in on us, and I take out the shit players, but one duo in particular were on Peters level, and with me being shit, we didn't last long.

"Ah, I'm sorry.. I'm so crap." I whine.

"Second is still good. How long have you been playing?" Peter tries to make me feel better.

"About 8 months, since I moved to Seoul." I grumble. I hated being the reason my team loses.

"You've done well for that amount of time! Do you wanna add me on here? We can play again another time. I've got some schedules to get to soon, but I have time for one more game"

"Oh, okay, I've sent you a request."

"Got it. Lets ready up." Peter suggested.

"What sort of music do you like? Peter questioned.

I try not to say Kpop too soon to people, as they'd think that's the only reason I moved to Korea, but in reality.. it was. If it wasn't for Kpop, I wouldn't have discovered the amazing culture and cuisine. Which is what made me make the move in the first place. 

I'm a student, studying for a degree in Korean Language, which hopefully would land me a translator or interpreter job here. 

I have another three weeks until our winter break as well, so plenty of time to relax before I'm back on the grind. I'm intermediate at the language as well, which is all self taught. I'm so glad I pushed myself to learn it as it really did give me a head start. 

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now