Finish what you started

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Chan passed me my dress and I slipped it back on to hide my nudity

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Chan passed me my dress and I slipped it back on to hide my nudity.

"Can you two just erase the images you saw of me please." I order to Hyunjin and Changbin, gesturing to my boobs.

They both laugh at me.

"Don't worry, none of us will speak of this again. You have our word." Hyunjin reassures me.

I sat awkwardly in the room. I don't think the other guys realised I was just having my brains fucked out of me, and it ended so abruptly.

I was horny still.

AND I was thiiiis close to fucking coming.

Chan didn't notice straight away, but Hyunjin did. I was fidgety. I needed something.

Being surrounded by three really attractive men, and after what just happened, I was just waiting to explode.

"Chan, shall we leave you and Y/N alone for a bit?" Hyunjin offers, Chan not understanding initially what Hyunjin was hinting at.

"Thank you Hyunjin, I think that's a great idea." I retort back, staring straight at Chan.

"We will leave you both to it then, yeah?" Changbin declares, rubbing his hands together as he rises from his chair.

As Hyunjin passes, he pats Chans shoulder.

"Bye boys.." I call. Then practically leaping onto Chan where he stayed seated.

"Why did you stop it?" I questioned Chan as I straddled his lap.


I didn't want him to make you cum.." He admitted.

"..Because that's what you do, isn't it? You make me come. You make me scream your name.." I boldly lead him on. Yep, alcohol still very much in my system.

"You let your friend fuck me, and two other friends see me naked. Was that all just to prove something to yourself?" I interrogate him. I need to get in his head. I need to know his thought process.

"Y/N... Um.. Can we sit and chat for a bit?" He awkwardly suggests.


"Chan, we can sit and chat. After you fuck me." I demand. I am not letting this feeling go.

"I.. Uh.. I'm not in the mood. Sorry, I just feel weird at the moment.."

Are you fucking kidding me?

I tried to not snap, but I had so many hormones raging through my body.

I let out a long exhale.

"Okay, Chan. I think I'm gonna head home." I let out, deflated.

"Wait, Y/N! -" He stands up, but I just walk straight out of the room.

Changbin and Hyunjin are sat on the floor, and they both look up at me in confusion.

"Are you okay?.." Hyunjin mouths.

I just sigh and carry on walking.

These emotions are now only going one way. Out my fucking eyes. I felt like such a cry baby, but I couldn't stop.

Why was he confusing me so much? One minute he wants me, then he doesn't, then he does. What the fuck does he want?! I'm not some puppet he can pull the strings of any time he pleases. Because he knows I like him, he's taking advantage of me. Fucking arsehole.

I walk out the hotel and pull my phone out to call a taxi.

I walk out the hotel and pull my phone out to call a taxi

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What have I done?

Changbin and Hyunjin burst into the room.

"What the fucks happened? Why is Y/N crying?!" Changbin yells.

"She's crying?! Oh fuck.." My voice cracks.

"What did you say to her Hyung?" Hyunjin adds, more calmer than Changbin.

"I told her I felt weird about fucking her." I admit. As the words left my mouth, it became clear how much of an idiot I have been.

"..Are you actually for real?" Changbin seethes.

"If you're so pissed, why don't you go fuck her?" I spit back.

"Chan, we are not getting involved, but just know that from our perspective, as your brothers, We think you've fucked up bad. Not only by toying with someone who actually likes you, but also by letting her walk out this hotel upset and on her own."

Hyunjin is right.

"Its not like I can go running out after her like some fucking kdrama." I argue back.

"Call her." Changbin urges.

I exhale, before picking my phone up and pressing to call Y/N.


"She's not answering." I whisper.

"Try again. She will answer. Trust me." Changbin orders again.


"Yes, Chan?" She whispers quietly into the speaker.

"Where are you?" I ask her calmly.

"In a taxi." She croaks.

I pull the phone from my ear and dramatically smack my head in my hands.

"I.. I'm sorry.." I hesitate.

I just hear her breathing.

"I can't do this. It was nice meeting everyone but this can't carry on, it's too much of a mind fuck.
Bye, Chan.."

Her voice broke at the end as she quietly sobs before ending the call.

I just stood there for a moment, phone to ear for a few seconds after she ended the call.

My heart was pounding out of my chest.

Changbin and Hyunjin both looked at each other and back at me.


"What?" Hyunjin mouths.

"I fucked up." I drop my phone and collapse onto the bed.

"She doesn't want to see me anymore.." I look at both of them. I can feel my eyes fill with tears.

Hyunjin grabs my shoulders and looks straight at me.

"Pull yourself together, fucking hell! Give her a day and then call her again. If that fails then we will have to go to her place." He tries to give me encouragement to not give up on her.

"Bro, she's hurt. If you really care about her, you need to show her you care. I'll talk to Hannie, he can try speaking with her as well." Changbin also tries to help, but I just cant help feeling defeated.

"We will re-visit in the morning. Chin up." Hyunjin adds, before getting himself into bed.

I'm not going to sleep a wink tonight. How could it all go so badly?

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now