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When we finished eating, we all pitched in to clear up, with Changbin and Chan on dishes duty, and Seungmin and Felix putting them away. There was a proper system going.

I felt sad as the day got later, knowing I needed to get going soon to sort my things out for my first day back.

"Do you want to come watch us practice for the JYPE show? We are there Thursday and Friday next week.." Han offers while snuggled up with me on the sofa.

"Oh Hannie, I'd love to! I don't know when I'll get off on Thursday though. What time will you be there til?" I ask.

"Usually til late. You can text me when you're done and I can give the staff a heads up to escort you in when you arrive.." He suggests. 

I wiggle and squeak in excitement, making him do the same. We noticed Lee Know peaking over, watching us with a smile, which made him coyly hide behind his phone after we spotted him.

Han and I look at each other in mischief, and then we both get up and jump on Lee Know, laughing  while he squirms at how silly we are both being.

"Ahh get off me!" He shrieks playfully, while we smother him with our contagious giddiness.

We all freeze like a deer in the headlights as Chan and Changbin both suddenly appear in the room. There was a few seconds of delay before Chan lets out a dramatic exhale.

"What have I just walked into?" He says in a harsh tone, but swiftly breaking into a smirk and then running over to jump on the pile of bodies. 

Changbin didn't know what to do with himself.

It wasn't often Lee Know was the target when they were in a playful mood, so he had to tread carefully.

It was funny to witness how Lee Know teased Changbin as soon as he approached him, so I grabbed Changbin and pulled him in myself, witnessing the face of betrayal from Lee Know.

I felt subtle hands around my waist from Chan and that was my cue end the fun there.

"Hey, where are you going?" Changbin quizzes with a whine in his voice. "Who will protect me from Lino now?" He smirks.

"I do really have to get going, just call me if things get bad!" I smirk back at him and Lee Know.

Chan and Han get up and both hesitate to approach me, almost like they are intercepting each other.

I squash the awkwardness by reaching an arm out to both and pulling them in for a hug.

"I'm not going far y'know. We all have phones as well.." I muffle into their hold.

"I'm gonna miss seeing you all the time.." Han squeezes me tighter.

It filled my heart knowing I found a true friend in Han.

Chan stayed silent, but that spoke for him.

I hoped nothing would change, and distance does apparently make the heart grow fonder.. But I've always feared that distance makes you think about whether it is worth it. It gives you space to lay it all out in front of you. Most of the time, it's never the same when you reunite. But at least this time, I have Hannie to think about. He wants me around when they do their prep, so if things do get weak between Chan and I, I wont be left completely alone.

"Before I get upset, I'm going to leave." I chuckle, and Han pulls me in for one more hug.

"I'm not going to war Hannie, you don't need to cry." I sway with him.

As he lets go of me I see tears in his eyes.

He is so precious.

"I'll text you when I get home, okay?" I pinch his cheeks.

"Bye Changbin, bye Lee Know!" I wave to them.

I peak my head into the kitchen and see Seungmin and Felix finishing up cleaning.

"I'm going now guys. I'll likely see you sometime next week!" I beam.

"Ah, enjoy your first day back! Remember we can all help you with your studies if you need it!" Felix chirps.

"I won't.." Seungmin deadpans but then falls into a smirk.

"Thank you Felix. Love you Seungmin.." I tease.

"Ew.." Seungmin throws it back at me. He is effortlessly funny.

I approach Hyunjins door and lightly knock.

He shouts to come in.

"I'm just saying bye!" I grimace, hoping I wasn't interrupting anything.

"Ah, Y/N! We will see you at the practice though, yeah?" Hyunjin pricks up to his feet from laying down.

"Yes of course. I don't know what time though." I smile back.

"That's fine then. Good luck with your first day back." He beams a doughy smile at me.

"Thank you. Bye Innie!" I cheesy smile at them and they both wave me goodbye.

I get to the door and Han and Chan are stood there ready to see me out.

"How are you getting home? I can book a taxi?" Chan worries.

"I'll bus it, it's fine. I'll see you both soon." I begin walking away and Chan takes hold of my wrist.

"Can I kiss you?" He whispers under his breath.

"-Right, I'm going back in. I'll speak to you later, Y/N.." Han awkwardly chuckles and I return a grimace.

"Sure." I pout to Chan, expecting just a small peck, but he crashes his lips onto mine in a deep and needy liplock.

I stumble back and he stabilises me with his hand on my lower back.

I could tell he was getting carried away, so I placed my hands on his chest and he pulled away. Yup. He is horny now.

"Y/N, if you get any shit just let me know. The label wont stand for it." He reassures.

"I'll let you know, but I'm sure I'll be fine." I whisper, then pecking him one last time.

I opened the door and waved him goodbye. then made my way down the road towards the bus stop.

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now