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Ah fuck, my head.

I pulled myself out of bed and looked around the room.

Ah, water.

A glass was sitting on my unit for me. Weird, I don't remember doing that, but then again I don't remember anything since I had the phone call about that job.

I still can't believe it.

I knew when I applied there was a chance I would need to say goodbye to everyone, but it's an opportunity I would be stupid to miss.

I will be able to see my family more as well, which will be so nice. It has been pretty isolating living here on my own, apart from the last few weeks here, but I can't let that determine my future.

I pick up my phone and see about 27 missed calls.. What the fuck?


Ah shit, I missed my lesson! Oh fuck.

Regardless if I got a job, I can't bunk off my classes. Now I look like a massive dick.

Oh, Hannie? Bin.. Chan.. Hyunjin..

What happened? Why were they ringing me so much?

Oh, I told Han I'd play with him. He must have been worried about me.

Shit, I'm an awful friend. I'll ring him in a second.

There was also a message from Chan.

Chan: Princess, is everything okay?"

Hm.. I wonder why he asked that?

I drag myself out of bed and make my way to my kitchen.

Shit, I got wine on the carpet.

I turn my coffee machine on and get a cup out.

As I walk to my living room, drink in hand, I notice something on the floor in front of my door.

I walk up and see it's my key.


Why is my key on the floor?

I try my door handle and it is locked.

I frown, trying to understand why, but then I just shrug and walk back into the living room. My head is too fragile to think about it.

I sink into the sofa and take a sip of my drink.

Me getting this job must be the universe telling me that stopping the love triangle is a good thing.

Like it's just another reason why we should stop.

We can still be friends though. I know it's probably not as exciting for them, but if they cared about me it shouldn't be an issue.

I rest my head back on the sofa pillow.

What a crazy last few weeks I've had.

It'll be strange leaving this life behind, but it's the next chapter in the book of Y/N.

The book of Chan and Bin has come to a close.

I just need to find the courage to tell them.

Preferably before the winter show.

It doesn't change anything with Hannie though. We can still speak and play games, even with the time difference, I'll make it work.

I press on Hans contact and hold my phone to my ear.

"The person you are calling is not available.."

"Funny Hannie. I'm sorry about yesterday." I giggle at his poor attempt at being an answer machine, then change my tone into my apology.

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now