Fuelled by rage

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"Ugh these are so nice!" Han gushes like they are something more thought out than just fried bacon in between bread.

"It's good for a hangover. Grease cuts through the alcohol." I beam back.

"We have soup normally. The broth cuts through the alcohol.." Hyunjin winks back, and I giggle at him.

I noticed Changbin glance over to me, as my smile had dropped quickly.

Why did I have to bump into Brendan? Of all people. And why did he feel the need to say what he did?

It has really got to me and Changbin could tell, but thankfully he was keeping it between us.

We finished eating and I gathered all the plates up.

"Are you okay?" Han nudged me while helping me with the dishes.

I sighed.

"I just saw someone in the shop. He said something that pissed me off." I exhaled.

"Who was it?" Han asked quietly, sensing it was a sensitive topic.

"That guy from my class. He asked if I was still seeing Chan.. When I said yes, he said it wouldn't last, but he will be there to pick up the pieces. It's really got to me." I whine at Han, and he just stands there with a frown.

"Why do you let what people say get to you? Is it because you think an element of it is true?" Han worries.

My heart sank.

"I don't want to think that, but sometimes when something gets put in my head, I find it hard to stop thinking about it.."

"Does.. Chan know?" Han then hesitates.

"No. I want to keep that from him. He will only get upset.." I admit.

Han nodded in agreement.

What the fuck?

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What the fuck?

Did I hear that right?

I sat with my headphones on, wondering where I should now channel my anger.

I know I am protective, but keeping that from me?

I took my headphones off and walked to the hallway, quietly putting my shoes on.

"Where are you off to?" Bin catches me and I pause, looking up at him.

He sensed I was pissed.

"You're not, are you?" He quizzed with a hint of worry in his tone.

I sighed and looked back down to finishing tying my laces.

"Hyung, don't be an idiot.." He whined, leaning against the wall.

"I am not letting someone disrespect Y/N like that." I spat, consciously keeping my volume down.

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now