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I woke up feeling so refreshed.

Maybe that with Chan was just what I needed.

I wanted to get some things together for Jeju tomorrow with Han, so at least my morning was occupied. That then leaves plenty of time to get some coursework caught up on.

I thought about texting Chan, but I could just speak to him later in person. It'll be nice seeing him with a fresh mindset.


On my way to the room, I invision Chan and me embracing like a long distance couple not having seen each other in a year. I romantacised the moment in my head and it made me feel all mushy inside. I couldn't wait.

I slipped into the practice room, and luckily I go unnoticed.. That is until Changbin and Han spot me and jump on the spot like excited children..

The Itzy girls all wave me over, which was completely unexpected. Maybe Chan told them to do that?

"Hi, Y/N.. Han hasn't shut up about you." Yuna teases Han, making Lia and Yeji burst out laughing.

"This pabo has been just as bad!" Chaeryoung points to Changbin, who pulls an embarrased face back.

I like these girls already. I can see they are all like siblings.

Chan sheepishly joins the group and nods to me.

I smile back at him, prolonging it for a little longer than it seemed he expected, and he started acting awkwardly. What is up with this guy?! Why is he so hot and cold?

"I'll let you carry on, pretend I'm not here!" I urge, taking a seat at the back.

"Impossible!" Changbin yells, while I just waft my hands in the air for him to shush.

It looked like their stage is going to be incredible. I can't wait to see the finished show. Watching how they switch from joking around to professional idols was so fascinating as well.

I hadn't realised I was sat with the bags of everyone, so when Chan walked over, I got my hopes up thinking he was coming over to speak, but really he was just grabbing his phone. How embarrassing.

He stood about a meter away from me looking down. The awkwardness radiated off him.

"Uh.. Thank you for last night." I lean to whisper to him.

He looks up from his phone and stares back blankly.

"What do you mean?" He quizzes, furrowing his brows slightly.

Is this guy serious?

I narrowed my eyes, hoping he was kidding, but he really had no idea.

"Th..The vibrator..?" I stutter. My heart was pounding out of my chest, what the fuck?

I watched Chans features as he processed what I just said.

"That.. wasn't you?" I question again, feeling my blood pressure hit the roof.

If that wasn't Chan, who the fuck was it?!

Chan was about to say something, but stopped himself.

He gave me a cold look, and turned his head towards Changbin, locking eyes with him.

"No way.." I utter.

"Yup." Chan breaks the silence.

He drops his phone into his bag and begins walking away.

I stand up to try to stop him, but he shoves my hand away, walking straight up to Changbin.

My eyes grew wide, and the only thing my body thought to do was sprint towards them and stand inbetween the two men that could literally fling me off a building with minimal effort. I didn't stand a chance stopping them, but the sentiment was there.

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now