Suggestions and Solutions

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"Hello Manager-nim. Sorry I missed your call earlier.." I start, hoping to get a feel for which direction this will go. I was shitting bricks.

"Chan, is everything okay?" He questions, concern lacing his words.

"Uh.. Not really.. I-" I continue, but he cuts me off.

"-Hang on, let me put you on speaker."

"Who else is there?" I question. I don't want just anyone hearing this information.

"-Channie, it's me.. Jin Young!" A familiar voice echoes in the background.

I pull the phone away from me to take a breath and Changbin looks back at me, worried.

I mouth to him who is on the phone and he grimaces back at me.

"Hello, Jin Young-ssi-" I try to respond but he starts talking over me.

"-Channie, listen. We've been discussing what the next step should be with these leaked photos.. I know it's nothing to do with the company, but it's in your best interests to address these reports as soon as possible.." JYP advises, with the manager audibly agreeing with him in the background.

"I can do that, no problem. However something happened today that may or may not make it worse.." I hesistate. I really need the ground to swallow me up right about now.

There was a ten second silence after my confession, which was nothing but nerve-racking.


What has happened today?" The manager then cuts through the silence, matching my previous hesitation.

"Uh.. So.. This girl, who I'm photographed with.. You may have already guessed is more than a friend.."

"Yes, I gathered that last week, Chan.." His tone shifts.

Ah shit.

"..Yeah.. So with these photos leaking.. Um.. Her classmates were giving her grief after finding out it was her.. 

She was having an anxiety attack from the torment..

So I had to collect her to get her out of the situation..

..And we may have caused a scene outside the school.." I made it as brief as I could, while Changbin watched on nervously. Hoping for some kind of clue with how the conversation was going.

"Hmm.. I see.." The manager ponders. 

"Is Y/N Okay?" Jin Young jumps in.

I didn't expect him to ask that at all.

My nerves then completely dissolved.

"..Yeah I think so. She is sleeping at the moment, but I think she is okay.." I respond, with Changbin clocking onto what was asked, giving me a pat on my shoulder in relief. This is a good sign.

"Things will need to settle first then, but our priority would be to ensure yours.. and Y/Ns safety.

Find out what course she is on, and we will find a replacement tutor so she can continue her studies." He finishes with warmth in his words.

I was taken aback.

Not in a million years did I think he would offer his support like that. Changbin was right, somehow.

"Thank you, Sir. I will get back to you right away." I exhale in relief.

"..Chan? Just try not to add anymore fuel to the fire..

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now