Chillin' like villians

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Changbin went to his room to get ready for the gym, and I decided that now was the time to check on Han. Leaving Chan in peace to work on music.

I lightly knocked the door, then opened it, hoping Han was awake by now.


Am I in the right room?

"Oh hey pretty lady..." Hyunjin dimple-smiled from Hans bed, then receding under the quilt.

" Hyunjin dimple-smiled from Hans bed, then receding under the quilt

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"Someone looks like he had a wild night.." I giggle, taking a seat next to him in the bed.

"Forgive me for asking, but why are you in Hans bed?" I hold in a giggle, and I watch Hyunjin sit up and take in his surroundings.

"What the fuck? Why am I in Hans bed?" He panics, but as he sees me laughing at him, he flops back into the bed with a dramatic exhale.

"Did you swap rooms unknowingly?" I pat him while still laughing hysterically.

"It seems like it." He whines like it's the end of the world.

I fall back onto the bed and wrap my arms around him. Letting out a sigh.

"Are you okay?" He whispers while stroking my hair.

"..Yeah.. I think I am. A lot has happened but I need to just keep myself grounded, or it'll all catch up on me." I tell him frankly.

He takes my hand in his.

"I've never seen this before?" He questions, fiddling with the promise ring.

"It's pretty. Like you." He mumbles nudging me gently.

"..I got it last night.." I spill, then bracing myself for a dramatic response as he processes my words.

"What?!" He sits up in the bed, looking back down at me.

There we are.

"You.. Got it last night? Like, as a present?!" He rushes.

To say he was surprised is an understatement.

"Yeah.. It's a promise ring." I look down, admiring the opal stone, and how it changes colour in the light.

"Fuck.. Shit is getting real now." Hyunjin stares blankly ahead.

"Is it a bad thing?" I worry.

"No, it's romantic. It's beautiful. It's just going to be extremely complicated for outsiders to comprehend." Hyunjin tells me honestly.

I frown slightly to myself.

Is it fathomable?

A relationship with Chan and Changbin?

Or am I.. Or rather are we all just delusional?

Hyunjin clocks me deep in thought.

"Let's go see Hannie." He excitedly jumps out of bed, looking down at me and holding his hand out.

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now