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I get back into my dress after freshening up and we leave for the restaurant

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I get back into my dress after freshening up and we leave for the restaurant.

Chan left a few minutes before me, so it looks inconspicuous, and I then lock up my flat and make my way down the stairs.

That was the most intense sex I've ever had. My legs are still shaking from it.

Chan mentioned about getting jealous. Does he like me? Could that actually be a thing? I mean, we could never date.. for obvious reasons.. but could he actually like me? Or is it lust?

I ponder for a second, not realising my footing on the stairs is wrong, and I miss a step as I get to the bottom.

I crash onto the floor, hitting my knee on the concrete.

"Ah fuck!" I cry. Why am I so clumsy.

I rub my knee and struggle to get up. That's gonna bruise.

I hobble out of the building and Chan clocks my movement. He opens his car door as if to get out and I wave him down to stay where he is. He opens the passenger side door from the inside and I climb in.

"What's happened? Why are you limping?" He faces me, concerned.

"I'm just clumsy. I missed a couple of steps." I giggle through the pain.

"Am I going to have to wrap you in cotton wool?" He laughs back. "Seriously though, are you okay?" He placed a hand on my thigh while I put the seatbelt on.

"Yes of course. I may be clumsy and bruise easily.. but I'm tougher than I look!" I beam back.

Chan chuckles and then checks his mirrors, before indicating and pulling out onto the road.

My eyes drifted onto Chan. I watched him as he held the wheel with one hand. His forearm was exposed, and all I could see were veins that bulged out, travelling down his arm and to his hand. 

Veiny arms and hands are every girls weakness, I swear.


I felt my still sensitive clit pulse as I thought about his hands around my throat. Fuck, I am literally ruined already, but my body wants more?! Does it not know when to stop?!

"Are you horny again?" Chan blurts out, shattering the silence.

"..Uh.." I hesitate.

Chan chuckles, and then travels his right hand over to my thigh, and under my dress. 

He lightly grazes over my underwear, rubbing my clit through the material.

I toss my head against the head rest. 

"Fuck, why am I like this?" I cry out in pleasure.

"I would pull over and fuck you in here, but its a company car, so a bit risky if we make a mess.." He sighs apologetically. 

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now