Distance Between Us

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As much as we left Y/Ns place in good enough spirits, the reality dawned on me pretty quickly

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As much as we left Y/Ns place in good enough spirits, the reality dawned on me pretty quickly.

We will really notice her not being here.

Hyunjin offered to pick us up, so we found a good bit to sit down at while we waited for him to come.

"If that's the last time I get to fuck her, I'm never going to forgive you." I playfully whine at Bin.

"Aish, I'm sure it's not. I didn't mean to cockblock you like that though Hyung. You know that." 

"Yeah yeah... Anyway.. Uh, Bin... Can I ask for your advice with something?" I hesitate.

"Yeah?" He encourages me to continue.

"I offered to cover Y/Ns bills, and she neither accepted nor rejected my offer. So I'm going to do it for her-"

"-Is she struggling that much?" He worried.

"..Yeah. She didn't say, but I can tell.

That's not it though. With her now starting a job, I'm fairly certain she will need to pay her student finance off. 

I want to pay it all off for her as well, so she doesn't need to worry, but I don't know if that will come off as.. reciprocal altruism. I don't want her to feel like I want something in return, but I can't help but think she will take it as that. I don't want to push her away, or make her feel obliged to stay in touch.. It would be more so of an act for peace of mind.. knowing she isn't worried about it.." I explain with a sigh. 

"I think you're overthinking an act of pure generosity, Hyung.

So she doesn't feel burdened by it, we can split it if you want?" He then suggests sincerely.

"She argued before that she isn't a charity.

I just care about her, and if I can take away what troubles her, then I will.

You think she will be fine with that?" I ask again.

"Maybe, maybe not, but we can do it for her. She deserves it." He smiles back at me.

Hyunjin arrived and we got in the car and made our way back to the dorm.

I really want to do this for her, so this week I'll make some calls to sort it.


The coming next days just rolled into the next.

Neither me or Bin heard from Y/N. I didn't want to text her in case she just didn't want to be bothered, but the urge was growing stronger each day.

Han and Hyunjin never mentioned her, either.

It was strange, almost like she had moved away already.

Every day I woke up thinking about her, and she was my last thought before I went to sleep.

I didn't know if I was being dramatic, but I really felt love sick. 

I asked Changbin if he felt the same, and he said he did, but I never caught him moping around like me. He was keeping himself busy with the gym and working on music. He said not to bother her with texts as having some space is clearly her way of dealing with it. We shouldn't interfere with that.

I tried working on music, but didn't want to write sad songs, as it will only remind me of it all. Bin showed me a song he was working on that was fairly happy sounding. It's about feeling like a kid when around the one you love.  Han and I sat with him for a bit and it's sounding pretty decent and unlike our other songs, so maybe it could be another of our Mixtape tracks. It reminded us all of Y/N, so we were pretty happy with it being such a cute song.

It got to Thursday and we all decided to hang out together before the venue practice run.

We all went for lunch, and once we were seated and made our orders, Han cleared his throat.

"I have been asked to tell you all something by Y/N.." He started.

Bin and I exchanged looks.

"Y/N is starting a job in London next week. She is flying home on Sunday." He announced, grimacing while everyone processed what he said.

I.N looked at Bin and I with confusion.

"Are you still going to be.. with her? He puzzled.

"No, we wont be." I explained to him, and Felix gasped at the reality of the situation.

"How long have you known?" Lee Know then asks, frowning a little.

"Since last weekend." I sighed. 

"Shit. That's rough. Will she be at the show? Will we get to say goodbye?" Felix then questions.

"Yeah she will be, and we will be having a little farewell afterparty for her at our dorm." Han then smiles, and everyone eases a little bit.

"At least we get to say goodbye. Will she come to Korea to visit us?" Seungmin then inquires. I didn't think he liked her much, but him asking that just shows he has a soft spot for her, which is nice.

"She said she will. We will see her in July as well." I smiled at them, and they all let out sighs of relief. If she knew what mark she has made on us all she would be so happy.

We ate our food and then made our way to the venue for practice, and I felt a little sombre with the wound reopening.

Sana came up to me to ask how I was, and I told her about Y/N moving. She looked genuinely disappointed. I would have loved for them to get close and be friends. They would get on so well.

We worked on our practice run and everything looked to be going smoothly.

I was pretty excited to do this show, and the other members were buzzing too. 

Knowing that Y/N will be there watching us as well made me want everything to be perfect. We also looked at our outfits and they had such a cool rocker vibe to them to match the concept. It's going to be wild and a night to remember. I was equally excited to see the other artists performances as well. 

We made our way back home after the practice and I took myself to my room. 

Maybe I should write a song.

We have a unit song between me, Lee Know, Seungmin and I.N.. I could maybe put something together to show them.

They can convey emotions really well with their voices, so maybe a love song would be a good shout.

I want to wait for Y/N. Whether that's waiting to see her, waiting to hold her, waiting to be with her. I will wait.

We never know what the future might bring, but if there is an 'us' in it.. Then I will wait for it.

Bias (Bang Chan x Reader) +18Where stories live. Discover now